July 15

Written by Bill Grandi on July 15th, 2020

One of the characteristics of society today-truly of every culture-is selfishness. “Me first.” “It’s all about me.” “I’m worth it.” “As a matter of fact, I do own the road.” “I don’t care what you think. I’m going to do it my way.” Frank Sinatra even had a song where he bragged, “I did it my way.”

That selfishness oozes over into just about every aspect of our lives. In reference to possessions we call it hoarding. In reference to finances we call it “saving for a rainy day.” Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with saving. In fact, it is wise and biblical. But. to be miserly, to hoard, to close our eyes to those in need…now that’s wrong! That is being selfish.

I like being generous. I like giving things to people-books, taking people out to eat, etc. I don’t have much. I know when/if the time comes, Jo and I will be on the short end of the stick. Financially, that is.  But when it comes to generosity, we will be able to know we were. We will have to trust God to “reward” our generosity. I read a saying:

“Do your givin’ while you’re livin’, then you’re knowin’ where it’s goin’.”

I’ll never be able to say to myself, “Self, build bigger barns to contain all you have.” What I will be able to do is to know I have treasures laid up in heaven where rust and moth do not destroy and where thieves cannot break in and steal.  (Matthew 6: 19-20)

“Father, help me to be a generous person. Help me to never hoard or gather around me for the purpose of keeping to myself. Help me to follow the example of Jesus.”


2 Comments so far ↓

  1. A generous heart is a joyful heart.
    Blessings, Bill!