March 23

Written by Bill Grandi on March 23rd, 2021

Who said it is up in the air. It could have been President Reagan. It could have been Coach John Wooden. When you see the quote you’d probably chuckle because both of them would probably say, “Does it really matter who said it?” 🙂

The quote:

There is no end of the good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.

See what I mean about not really caring? And yes, there have been variations of that quote make its rounds.

I’ve noticed two things about most-not all-but most people. We are 1) quick to lay blame, and 2) quick to take credit. That could be worded a bit differently: We are slow to take blame and quick to take credit.  Big people give credit; little people lay blame.

Sometimes its hard to admit the need for help.  Maybe its pride.  Maybe its an “I can handle this” mentality. Maybe its the inability to look ahead. When I was a young pastor, my schedule was full. Too full as I now see it. Mornings in the office. Visitation in the afternoon and many evenings. Not any more. Age plays a part in that.  Wisdom plays a part in that. Even humility-if I can say that and not be seen as arrogant-plays a part. Admitting I can’t do it alone.

Truthfully, I can’t do it alone. But therein is the rub. If I say I can’t do it, am I willing to get help and maybe watch someone’s “star” rise? If not, then I need to continue wallowing in my inability to have more of an impact. Check out Numbers 11: 16-29 for Moses’ reaction. And do you remember when Jethro, his father-in-law, came to him and suggested he get help and divide up the workload?

Moses had to not care who got the credit. Now…am I? Are you?

“Father, help me to delight in the joy of others using their gifts to spread the impact of changing lives.”


3 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S. says:

    The desire for fame or credit is often hinders the larger goal, the larger purpose. Let’s be honest, a one time big success that is publicly shared and celebrated can result in setting unrealistic expectations in the future. On the other hand, small reoccurring successes typically don’t get the publicity, but those are the ones that carry the team. Whether it be a business, a sport, or a church.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I totally agree with you Ryan. What I’ve also noticed is that the big success will detract (way too often) from the team concept needed. One person tends to become the focal point and the others become a side part. I prefer the smaller recurring ones.

  2. Yes, Bill, I think we are all too quick to take credit for something good that has transpired, and we certainly don’t want to be blamed when things go wrong. We do, like Moses, have to welcome help when things get out of hand, and trust that God will help us.