May 27

Written by Bill Grandi on May 27th, 2021

I’ve been reading a book called Beauty in the Browns by Paul Asay. Paul is a writer for Focus on the Family and other venues. Short story: it is about walking with Christ in the darkness of depression. Mr. Asay has been brutally honest in his person memoir on his struggle with depression.

I have no plans to go any deeper right now. What I want to focus on is one of the three key elements that brought him out of his depression.  Time. Love. Action. Those are the three key elements. My focus is on the second: Love.

Hardly a person alive-one who know the Bible or one who doesn’t-has not had some exposure to John 3:16: “For God so loved the world…”  That verse sums up the essence of Christianity. Think this through with me please:

  • We didn’t deserve it.
  • We didn’t deserve the gift of life and salvation.
  • He loved us, not because we were lovely, but because we weren’t.
  • He loves us not because we had and have it all together. We could say He loves us because we didn’t. To use a common phrase: He loved us because we were broken.
  • His love was not dependent on our goodness. It was not dependent on our response.  It was not dependent on us raising our hallelujahs or our hands.

His love is real. His love is sincere. His love is pursuant. (One author once called Him the “Hound of Heaven”).  His love is constant. His love is steadfast. It does not depend on our skills, talents, and dedication. Aren’t you glad?

So this morning I want to challenge you to sit back, relax, and bask in the love of God today. Live in that love.

“Father, may that be my desire today. Help me to just rest in Your love.”


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. Oh, I am so glad!!!! I am sitting here this morning basking in His love of me. It is so tangible. Great post, Bill.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      That excites me Diane. So glad I could help start your morning off right.

  2. Ryan S says:

    Even just taking a moment and recognizing the truths you state in your post…
    Recognizing I cannot earn it.
    I don’t deserve it

    Reminds me of the song “Reckless Love”

    Thanks for reminding me to pause this morning and just rest in His love.

  3. Ed says:

    True… we DON’T deserve it.. But WOW! Just WOW! It’s a dream come true!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Words fail when you stop to think about it Ed. WOW is a perfect response.

  4. With everything going on with Mom, I need to relax and rest in God’s love more than ever, Bill. So, so glad He gives us so much love that we don’t deserve!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      It is good that you realize that Martha. It makes for a much easier “trust factor.” I pray your mom heals well and you and Danny have the strength to take care of her.