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March 21

Thursday, March 21st, 2024

Let’s consider a word this morning which is often overlooked in our culture today. The word is M.O.T.I.V.E. Why do we do what we do?

There is no question that many of us tend to have a guard up when it comes to a relationship with people. While it’s true there are some people who are naturally skeptical of others and they already have their guard up, there are those who are suckers for every dog and pony show that comes down the pike. I’m talking both religious and non-religious. While it is easy to take potshots at every fly-by-night wheeler dealer who pitches something when that person makes no profession of faith (except maybe in getting rich), it gets even more troublesome when that person claims to be “working or speaking for God.” Honestly? It curls my insides. Sadly, hucksterism is alive and well in the religious world.

That begs the question we must ask: what is the motive? Why is that person doing or saying what they are? That is really an important question to ask and it calls for discernment. It goes without saying that all that glitters is not gold. For the naturally skeptical people or the ones who are willing to practice discernment, they can recognize the shadiness behind actions. But for those who want to be more trusting and “see the good in people” they fail to see the sketchiness of someone doing something.  Truthfully, the hucksters rely on that mentality. They rely on folks who don’t take the time to investigate and analyze the “why.” Therefore, they will find themselves used as pawns in a big game…and they come out on the short end of that stick.

In Proverbs 21:2 it says, “People may be right in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their hearts.” (NLT)  Right there is the key to the whole thing. While some people may be able to fool others, there is ONE who cannot and will not be fooled. We need to be discerning, but ultimately the judgement for their motives will be made by God.  And I don’t want to be standing close to that person when judgment comes and all is revealed. Jesus consistently, i.e. more than once, condemned the religious leaders because they did what they did in order to be seen by men. He took them to task for their hypocrisy.

So now is a good time and place to ask the question: Why do you do what you do? Why do you help out at that shelter? Why did you reach out to the homeless person? Why did you give a note of encouragement to a co-worker? Why did you compliment someone today? Remember: people may see you and praise you, but as the proverbs tells us, God knows the heart.

March 20

Wednesday, March 20th, 2024

Have you ever played the “what if?” game? You know how it works. You might make a statement and say, “What if I hadn’t…?” Or you might look back on something you have done, slapped your forehead and said, “I could have had a V-8.” Just kidding. 🙂 You might, however, say, “What if I had or had not done…?”

As an athlete (in my younger, former days) there have been times I was tempted to quit, to give up. to say the pain to continue was too great. I now look back and see that extra practice effort; that extra game effort; that push to get that rebound was worth it. I would have missed out on the prize-whatever it was. What if I had quit a tad bit earlier?

There’s an interesting story in the OT which has always captured my fancy. You can find it in 2 Kings 5. It’s the story of Naaman, the leprous, Gentile, military leader. He had a little Jewish girl as a servant who recommended he go see the prophet Elisha to be healed of his leprosy. Long story short: Naaman gets a letter from his king requesting safe passage for Naaman and an audience with Elisha. Elisha sends his servant to tell Naaman to wash 7 times in the Jordan River. He protests because the Jordan is muddy and, he thinks, inferior to the rivers in his home land. His soldiers basically tell him, “What could it hurt to do what the prophet says?” So he does. Seven times and he comes up clean! No more leprosy!!

Here is your list of “what ifs?”

  • What if he had refused to dip in the Jordan?
  • What if he had stopped at #6 out of frustration or disbelief?
  • What if he had thought this was effort in futility?
  • What if he had blown off the servant girl’s suggestion? You know…kids don’t know squat.

We are often hamstrung by the “what ifs” in our life, missing out on blessings God wants to give us by being paralyzed by the “what ifs.” So we short-change ourselves.

Take it from Naaman. The what ifs can be crippling. Break through them and see what God has on the other side.

March 19

Tuesday, March 19th, 2024

I think we have all used or heard a variation of “Who you hang around with is who you become.” There are, of course, all kinds of people.

Some build us up; some tear us down.

Some lift us to keep going; some drag and hinder us.

Some push us to excel and not quit; some pull us back withholding progress.

Some are genuine shoulders to cry on; some are hard as stone and move away from us.

Proverbs 18:24 says, “There are ‘friends’ who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.”  (NLT)

Jo and I experienced that last night. After a tough past couple of weeks (which I wrote about here), we spent the evening with friends. By the time we made it to their house, my tough couple of weeks had another brick piled on top. They were a welcome shade tree. After the initial bl-a-a-a-ch of what was going on, we moved on. Went out to eat. Laughed (even raised an eyebrow when Jo ordered something totally different than her normal fare). Went back to their house. Laughed some more. Chuckled at the antics of their dog. Laughed some more. A welcome balm for a scratchy soul. Hugs and “I love you’s” were given and Jo and I were on our way. Richer. Better. Refreshed. And, in some small way, healed. Every time I leave them I tell Jo, “I say it every time but I sure do miss them.” (They used to attend the church I pastor but moved to another city where they attend another fortunate church). I said it again last night…less than a block away.

They know what it’s like to be a friend. A sheltering tree. A shade tree (not the negative use of shade 🙂 ). We love you guys…more than you know. And thanks for the meal at Chili’s. Maybe Jo won’t surprise us all the next time.  🙂 🙂

March 18

Monday, March 18th, 2024

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head that just won’t go away? That has been me the past week to two weeks.

First, a little backstory. For over 30 years I have had a friendship that started out with riding bikes together at least once a week. Over the 30+ years countless miles have gone under our bicycle tires and plenty of meals have been eaten. Not even distance could put a damper on our friendship. His prostate cancer changed all that.

Another man was one of the leaders in the church. When I was threatened and encouraged with termination he stood in front of me. When the church was embezzled, he stood strong. But diabetes and a downturn physically hit him hard. So did some lies that caused a rift between us. But being bed-bound gave me the opportunity to visit him almost weekly, take communion, and repair the tear in our relationship.

My cyclist friend has been told he has 3-6 months to live. That was over a month ago. His cancer is everywhere, in spite of every effort with chemo and experimental stuff. When Jo and I got back from AZ on the 27th I went to visit my former leader on Thursday at the rehab center. He died that Saturday. The following week I went to visit my cycling friend and that visit hit me hard. There are also some other daily issues that are weighing on me.

The song that has been my go-to, the one that has not left my mind, my bulwark, the one that has pointed me to the ONE has been Morning by Morning by Pat Barrett. You can listen to it here. With lyrics like “Morning by morning great is your faithfulness to me,” I am reminded I’m not in this alone.  Psalm 62:6-7 says, “He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor comes from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.”  Psalm 63 follows it up with the following: “Because you are my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely.” (verse 7-8).

I’m not alone. Neither are you. You can put a nail through that promise.

{Note: All Scripture is from the New Living Translation}

March 14

Thursday, March 14th, 2024

Fear. Say the word and our minds tend to go immediately to something…well…we are afraid of. We go to that movie that scared the heebie jeebies out of us. Or we think of an event that truly scared us and we have never been the same.

I used to watch scary movies until…until I was scared spitless. I cannot remember how old I was-maybe 14 or 15- when I went to a matinee with a friend. After the first two movies he had to leave but I decided to stay. Bad move. When it was over I was terrified. The two moves were The Curse of Dracula and The Horror of Frankenstein. I rode the bus home that night and was constantly looking around and over my shoulder for someone sneaking up on me. When I got home I would not open a door without first reaching around the corner and slapping the wall…just in case someone was  lying in wait. That was the end of my watching horror films and I have not seen another one to this day.

Fear is seen in terror or even paralyzing actions. But in Proverbs 14:27 we find it used another way: “Fear of the Lord is a life-giving fountain…” The fear of the Lord is not a terror or being afraid of some one or some thing, especially God. Fear of the Lord can better be seen as a healthy respect for Him. Being in awe and reverence. In Proverbs 1:7 we are told “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge.” We are told elsewhere that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

So when someone says, “Fear God” they are not telling you to be afraid of Him. They are saying to have a healthy respect for Him, to reverence Him, to stand in awe of Him. Do you have a healthy respect for God? 

{Note: All Scripture is from the New Living Translation}

March 13

Wednesday, March 13th, 2024

We have several sayings directed at people who act rashly:

“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”

“Think before you speak.”  Or a variant of that is “Think before you act.”

Sadly, we are a people of inflamed passions. I’m not speaking of the sexual, although that certainly can be included. I’m actually referring to our emotional state. How often have you seen (or been guilty yourself) of acting or reacting before you have thought out the consequences? You blow someone’s doors off and the collateral damage is huge. I once confronted someone who had a habit of blowing up at people-telling them off in a sense-and then acting like nothing happened. I asked her, “Why do you do that?” “Do what?” “You blow up at people, tell them off, then act as though nothing is wrong, as though all is forgiven and over.” “I tell them so they will know how I feel, then it’s over.” I said, “So is a tornado or hurricane. It unleashes its fury and then moves on, but look at the damage it leaves in its wake.”  I let her think about that for a moment, then left. I’m not sure she ever learned the lesson!

Proverbs 13:16 says, “Wise people think before they act; fools don’t-and even brag about their foolishness.” (NLT)

Don’t be a fool. Think before you speak. Think before you act. Don’t be known as “one of those people.” You know…the kind of person others want to avoid.

March 12

Tuesday, March 12th, 2024

Forgiving ourselves is one of the hardest hurdles we have to need to get over.

When it comes to forgiving others, I have often shared that the failure to forgive others; the desire to hold a grudge; the unwillingness to move on; holding onto hard feelings or even feelings of hate, makes me a slave to that person. They own me. They control me.

But what about that which I consider possibly even harder-the ability or willingness to forgive ourselves? I have seen way too many people able to forgive others, but then wreck their own lives because they can’t or won’t forgive themselves. Big or little sin (usually a whopper) just will not let go. It’s like an albatross around the neck, choking the life out of us.

David’s psalm-known as Psalm 51-deals with this straight on. His adulterous affair with Bathsheba and subsequent murder of her husband, Uriah, to cover it up, is exposed by the prophet Nathan (full story in 2 Samuel 11). David is convicted of his sin and his guilt is palpable. One can feel his anguish as he lays it all out. “Have mercy. Wash me clean. Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Forgive me for shedding blood.” One can not read those words and not sense David’s pain and agony over his sin. But one can also see David is moving on. He wasn’t going to allow his sin to define him, to hold him down.

Neither should I. Neither should you. There is nothing you or I have done, there is no sin you or I have committed, that is beyond the reach of God’s grace. Confess it. Repent of it. Now…walk away in freedom being sure of God’s limitless grace.

March 11

Monday, March 11th, 2024

You made the promise. Keep it!!

One cannot underestimate the importance of keeping a promise.  Keeping your word-being a person of integrity- is so vital to relationships that one cannot fathom its impact.

In the life of David, there is a phenomenal story that shows his character. He had a best friend-Jonathan-who had David promise he would take care of his family after his death. In all the shuffle involving David becoming king (he waited 7 years after King Saul’s death), there came a time when David remembered his promise to Jonathan. As he asked and they investigated, David was made aware of Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth (M). M had been dropped as a child in his nurse’s haste to get him to safety, resulting in him being a cripple. He was called into King David’s presence and bowed before him. I’m sure he was petrified. “What does the king want with me?” David told him, “Don’t be afraid! I intend to show kindness to you because of my promise to your father, Jonathan.” David ended up restoring all the land of King Saul to M; enlisted his servant, Ziba (and his sons), who had been with M for quite a long time, to take care of the land; AND M was to eat at King David’s table as long as he lived. (You can read the whole story in 2 Samuel 9).

WOW! Talk about a promise made and a promise kept! Proverbs 11:20 says, “The Lord detests people with crooked hearts, but He delights in those with integrity.” For all of David’s faults (and ours as well), David’s heart was one of integrity. He made a promise and kept it. M’s life was richer because of it.

Follow the Father’s example. Keep your promises.  He showed us the way in that department. He has made promises and has kept His every word. I can think of one huge one. One word: Jesus.

March 7

Thursday, March 7th, 2024

“Cooler heads prevailed.”

I’ve heard that statement used numerous times. It is always when a tragedy or blow up is averted. When the showdown at the OK corral never happens. You know how it works. Someone gets ticked off because of something said or done and “the right to bear arms” becomes a reality. The gunfight at the OK corral happens in 2024. Hostility rages. Getting even is the order of the day. The potential for a big, huge blow up is a definite reality. Someone is going to get hurt and it doesn’t even have to include weapons of warfare. It could be words-cutting, piercing words-that can never be retracted or erased.

As I’ve talked about King Saul and David this week, the camera shifts more to David. In I Samual 25, there is a scene in David’s life where he almost blew it, almost did something he would have regretted for the rest of his life. Here’s the story:

David and his men were hungry and had need of some provisions. He and his men have been protecting a rich man’s (Nabal) sheep and shepherds and simply ask him for a little bit of help. Nabal refused, but didn’t just say, “No,” he also began insulting David. So David, in anger, got his men ready to exact revenge. Abigail, Nabal’s wife, got wind of it and interceded. She brought food galore and also reasoned with David about attacking Nabal and doing something he would regret the rest of his life. David backed off. Ironically, when Nabal heard how close he had come to extinction, the Bible tells us he suffered a stroke, laid like a stone for 10 days, then died. (David also took Abigail as his wife).

The point? Abigail’s wisdom and intervention (her cooler head) stopped David from doing something he would be sorry for. The book of Proverbs is filled with statements about a fool and his temper and warning against the danger.

Today, stay in control. Let a cool head prevail. Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated by another person or your own spirit to be out of control. Stay calm. You will be glad you did.

March 6

Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

The last two posts I have written about Saul and his failure to be a leader, specifically the leader God needed him to be to lead His people. In yesterday’s post, I introduced his successor, not overtly, but by Samuel’s realization that looks don’t tell the whole story.

When we next see David it is in I Samuel 17 in the familiar story of David and Goliath. David is introduced to us not as the the next king but as the youngest (v.14), a shepherd (v.15), and a messenger to the battlefield-not a soldier (vv.17-22). He is a delivery boy taking food to his brothers who are supposed to be fighting. But, like all the others-King Saul included-they are cowering in fear. When David finds out he is indignant! He couldn’t believe this uncircumcised Philistine was defying God….and allowed to do it!

Long story short, he accepts the king’s challenge to fight Goliath. His concern was for God’s honor not his own safety. His confidence was not in the king’s armor (a rather humorous scenario when you really think about it. A little boy wearing the king’s armor in verses 38-40). Nor was it really in the fact that he had killed a lion and a bear with a slingshot to protect his sheep. His confidence was in the ONE who had kept him safe from them! (v.37).  His confidence wasn’t even in his ability as a marksman.

He states it very plainly to Goliath: “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies-the God of the armies of Israel, who you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your heard…And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!” (verses45-47).  Laugh away Goliath. You have no clue what is about to enter your mind.  Four events happen in succession: Sling a stone. Hit target. Target falls. Target loses head.

This is not about goliaths we face. This story is really about the honor and power of God. His honor is not to be trifled with; His power is on display. We are weak; He is strong.

Note: Scripture used is from the New Living Translation