In a world that says, “Gimme. Gimme. Gimme.”
In world that says, “Look out for #1. And oh, by the way, I’m #1.”
In a world that says, “It’s all about me.”
In a world that says, “Look in the mirror and tell yourself, ‘I’m worth it.'”
In a world that says, “Get to the top. If you have to step over people to do it, who cares.”
In a world that says, (to borrow the saying from an old commercial), “You only go around once in life. Grab all the gusto you can.”
In a world that says all that and more, Jesus comes along and says, “If any of you want to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?” (Mt. 16:24-26 NLT)
The words of Jesus are in direct opposition to what we are being told. “It’s all about me” vs “Give your life away.” “Get to the top” vs “Give up your life.” “Grab for it all here” vs “If you gain the whole world and lose your soul it’s not worth it.”
Again I ask: Can any two lifestyles be more in opposition to each other than these? I think not. And IMHO Jesus put the result right out there: gain the world and lose your soul. And then the devastating question: “Is anything worth more than your soul?”
I believe the answer is an obvious NO. Temporal vs eternal. Success here vs life there. I’ll take Jesus’ option. Every. time. How about you?
I’m with you, Bill! Nothing is worth more than our souls, and only Jesus can provide joy in this life and the next.
100% with you Martha.
You and I were on the same train of thought this week, Bill. Me, me, me never satisfies.
Yeah. After I read your blog I thought the very same thing.
I am a work in progress and it is a constant battle against self and my own desires… The culture we live in doesn’t make it easy. Limiting my exposure definitely helps. When you don’t see the posts online of all the things and experiences that others are spending their time and money on. When you don’t care that you’re vehicle, home, or clothes are the best on the block or in your circle of friends. When you exercise for the sake of being healthy vs trying to look ripped. I would love to say that I have it all figured out, but the struggle is real, the struggle is daily, the struggle more often than I would like to say requires me to reevaluate my life consistently.
Oh man, you speak truth here Ryan! I admit to struggling the same way. I know what I want because I know what Jesus wants from me. But I also know I’m like Paul_”What I want to do I don’t: What I don’t want to do, I do.”
There is no gift on earth that will be better than the gift of eternity with Our Father in heaven. Knowing that Jesus himself prepares our place in heaven for those who trust Him as their Savior, it would be impossible to have a better designer than Jesus Himself. Lots of decisions I wish I could change, however excepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior, is my best treasured gift I have ever received. Thank you Father