December 31

Written by Bill Grandi on December 31st, 2024

I’m not a betting man but, if I was, I would be willing to wager I will NOT be the only person to say this today: “December 31st-the last day of 2024. Can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday we were turning the page to 2024” (or something similar).  It does seem that the old adage is true in more ways than one: “Time flies when you are having fun.”  Like everyone else on the planet I would not say all of 2024 was fun, but I would say it was eventful.

Jo and I made our first ever trip to Arizona courtesy of a friend. We not only spent time with he and his wife, but we also got to meet another longtime blogging friend of mine. Along the way we saw the Grand Canyon, stayed in Sedona for two nights, ate some great food and met some amazing people.

We made several trips to Ohio to watch our grandson play high school baseball, both during the school year and during the summer. This past fall we were able to watch him play several football games. He is now a senior and will graduate this coming May. His dream of playing college and professional baseball is pretty much dead in the water (unless he grows about 5 inches and packs on some muscle). BUT he is currently sitting at a 4.25 GPA and is about 90% sure of attending THE Ohio State University.  Cameron, his sidekick, also plans to attend OSU. They met while working at Skyline Chili (that stuff gives me shivers. Who in the world thinks that cinnamon belongs in chili?). She actually approach someone about him asking her to the prom last year. Times sure have changed haven’t they? 🙂  We got to spend some time with her on Christmas Day and thoroughly enjoy her.

There have been funerals and weddings in the church family, some I participated in and some of which I was an observer.

Speaking of the church: we are in the process of an expansion. It has taken since 2018 to raise enough money to get started with excavation and hopefully this spring with construction. The leaders have made a commitment to building debt free for which I am in total agreement. We have, by God’s grace, seen an upswing in interest in the church. I (and the other leaders) are still trying to grasp what it is that is leading the interest.  I spent the months of September and October preaching on the Feels Like Home, of the church being HOME to people.  I know tomorrow is New Year’s Day and the probability of people reading this blog are slim to very slim (maybe none), but I plan to include the saying we began saying to remind ourselves who we are and who we want to be.

Finally, my big thing in 2024 was my knee replacement surgery. As of yesterday, Monday, December 30th, I was at the 7 week mark. My bend is 125%+ but my knee flat on the table is still at 3%. They say my cycling has tightened my hamstrings and they won’t allow my knee to straighten. It is painful trying to get it straight. They say where I am at 8 weeks is where I can expect to be the rest of my life. The PT is working hard, as am I on my own. It just may not happen. But I’m okay with that since I can now walk pain free and am no longer bowlegged in my right leg. The doctor shaved the top of my bone, rearranged some ligaments and tendons and said I would feel fantastic in about 6 months. Time needs to fly! 🙂

That is a short recap of my year. There is, of course, more I could include, both triumphs and disappointments/heartbreaks, especially spiritually.  How was your year?


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. I did love your recap of your year’s highlights, Bill. Ours has been a difficult one to say the least, but I haven’t given up hope for better times ahead. I’m trusting that God will always be here for us, especially in the down/hard/difficult times. So glad to know, too, that you are healing so well!
    Happy New Year!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thanks Martha for stopping by today. I know your year has been a difficult one but I believe God proved Himself faithful to you. I do believe He is worth trusting through all times. I pray you and Danny and your families have a blessed adn joy-filled new year

  2. Ryan S. says:

    Thanks for sharing your recap Bill. Still praying for full mobility and healing for your knee. Today (December 31st, 2024) has snuck up on me. Your synopsis of the year has helped to remind me to take a pause and think back through the year as well this morning. Some highs and some lows, some victories, some defeats. Some celebrations and some periods of mourning.

    The question I am struggling to answer this morning as I think back through the year is this… How much did I grow? Not physically, but spiritually. How well did I love? Am I carrying any bitterness or frustration right now that I need to release before entering the new year.

    Probably the most important in this moment… am I allowing myself to make mistakes and forgiving myself for those mistakes. Am I carrying any unnecessary unforgiveness for myself or others that I need to release before the ball drops and 2025 rolls in.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Many thanks Ryan for the continued prayers. I think the questions you ask are important ones for any Christ-follower to ask. How much did I grow spiritually? And your final question is one we must all answer if we want to find our hearts burning for Him this year. There is no room for a fire if the pit is full of unwanted and unneeded ash. Getting rid of any bitterness and unforgiveness is a must. Prayers for a blessed and joy-filed new year and a night or two out eating with friends. 🙂

  3. gail says:

    Looking over the past year, most things have been fine, I still have several things I want to improve on. The most important thing to me is my spiritual growth, and am I living a God focused life, and keeping God first. Which I will always need to improve on. My pray life is much stronger, and I love that but I still want to improve on that. I want to write all of my witness stories down and some things that I have learned in my spiritual journey, and how much God has helped me to grow. I want to have a written account of those things to share with people and whoever God directs me to share my stories with. I think its important to have a sharable record of events. Praying for you Bill to have a full recovery with your knee.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I can see you have taken some time to “take stock” of where you have been and where you are right now, Gail. Good for you! I’m excited to see what God has in store for you in 2025. Thanks for praying for my full recovery.

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