Adventure browsing by tag


August 5

Monday, August 5th, 2024

“Every man has a battle to fight; an adventure to live; and a beauty to rescue.”

That is the moniker of a ministry called Wild at Heart that I latched onto in the early 2000s. The ministry was started and led by John Eldredge and I must have read that book 4-5 times.  I led men through that course 3 times. It reached into the depths of who I was and where I lived. As I aged and matured, I sort of settled into a pattern, a routine, of what was “expected” of an aging, maturing man.  I settled for “safe.”

  • I settled in as a husband.
  • I settled in as a father.
  • I settled in as a pastor.
  • I settled in as a man.

For lack of a better way to put it…I became predictable, reliable, and as much as I hate to say it: B-O-R-I-N-G. Not that there is anything wrong with being predictable and reliable, but give. me. a. break!

I lost my sense of adventure. I became, as I have stated, S.A.F.E. Too safe. Even though I loved watching and reading of adventures like Lord of the Rings or even Titanic or even the early MacGyver, I was too safe and too sedentary and too entrenched and too “logical” to be adventurous.

One of the teachings of Wild at Heart was the idea of finding what makes you come alive and go do that. Find out what ignites my heart- my passion- and go do that.  The world needs people today who are fully alive, not those who play at life, play it “safe,” and walking around with their heads in the ground. 

So…what makes you come alive? Do you find yourself engaged or withdrawn? Find what makes you come alive and go do that.