Depression browsing by tag


March 15

Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

I heard it again last night. Sometimes it is used offhandedly.  Sometimes it is used to stress a point. Sometimes it is used to bolster an opinion. Sometimes is is used to be mean, i.e. politically. And sometimes it is used sympathetically, to state a truth, a fact.

What is it?

The depression of young people and what is happening in our culture.

My heart hurts, it literally feels like it is going to break in half, shatter in little pieces, or come out of my chest whenever I read another story of a young person (or any person for that matter) who takes his/her own life. Depending on the circumstances, it is used to show the sadness of many young people (or adults), or to even show the tragic result of the COVID lock downs.

There is not a one of us who has not been affected by depression, either ours or someone we know. I have been blessed with a personality that has not been prone to it. I have those days where I’m blah, let’s call them “brown” days (and I can’t remember it lasting more than a day or two).  I’ve never had a day or a period of days that I can remember where the light seems to go out.  But after 50+ years as a pastor, I know many who have. I can remember as a very “green” youth pastor (I was 21 at the time) visiting someone in the mental wing of a hospital-someone I had just been laughing with a few days before. I certainly didn’t understand why “Jane” was in there, suffering from this new thing (to me) called depression. In my naivete I could not understand how one who calls themselves a Christian could have this issue. Let me tell you: I know now! I have met and dealt with and tried to help countless suffering from depression. I know a lot more now. It is, however, not the point of this devotion to go into all the reasons for it, etc.

What I have found out is depression is far more common that I ever knew. Even in the Bible.

There is a man in the Bible, his name is Elijah. In I Kings 19 he has a confrontation with the prophets of Baal. After his victory (a truly mountaintop experience), Jezebel threatens- no make that vows- to have him killed. He runs and finds himself under a tree in the desert bemoaning his fate and wallowing in his despondency. As he laments his lot in life and wishes to die, God does an amazing thing. No condemnation. No yelling and telling him to “buck it up.” Just the opposite: He comes alongside Elijah and feeds him and reassures him of His love and support.

I don’t know all the reasons why people fill with despair. There are many answers to that-their circumstances, their personality, their DNA-as a short list. But I. DO. KNOW. the God who cares, loves, and will stay with that person.

Don’t despair. Don’t give up. Don’t feel helpless and hopeless. If you do, please get help. But also know there is a God who loves you more than you know.