Freedom browsing by tag


July 3

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

“Freedom isn’t free.”  “Never forget.”

Tomorrow, July 4th, is the day that has been set aside for us to celebrate the birth of our great nation. It will not be unusual for us to see those phrases (or others like them) on T-shirts, message boards, billboards, banners, and a whole host of other means.


I know our country is not perfect; none are. But when I think of the countries to live in-China, Russia, North Korea, and others come to mind-there is still no better place to live. While I get frustrated with things as I watch them deteriorate, I also am grateful for the freedom we have. The very freedom that so many rail against is the very freedom they have that allows them to demonstrate, spew vitriolic rhetoric, and other junk like that. It is not uncommon to hear people, especially celebrities complain and scream against America and threaten to leave if they don’t get their way. I want to say to them, “Bye. And oh yeah, try to speak out against that country and its leaders like you do hear and are now doing. See how far that gets you.” Can you say, “MIA and never to be seen or heard from again?”  You get my drift.

Do I wish things were better? Do I wish we weren’t so divisive and divided? Do I wish we could put a muzzle on certain people and rhetoric? That answer to all is Yes, a thousand times Yes. But, again, its the very freedom we enjoy, that we celebrate tomorrow, that allows us the spout that vitriol and rhetoric and demonstrate.

One verse of Scripture stands out to me because as a follower of Jesus I am more concerned about the direction we are going morally and spiritually than politically. Proverbs 28:2 says, “Where there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.” (NLT)

That is not a political statement.

Freedom isn’t free. We need to celebrate the freedom we have. We need to preserve the freedom we have. We must never forget the men and women who fought so hard to get us that freedom and preserve it.  As a follower of Jesus, I must never forget and always be grateful for the ultimate freedom: “The one set free by the Son is free indeed.” In that truth, is true freedom.

February 28

Monday, February 28th, 2022

People often come into our lives who shape us, affect us, influence us, even change the course of our lives. Well over 10 years ago, a young lady whom I have never met in person came into my life and still profoundly affects me. I can say the same about a man, a pastor and missionary.  They both cause me to be grateful for those unseen people who God brings into my life.

I have never physically met Zee and Caleb. I met them through my blog. I could not even pinpoint when our paths crossed. But cross they have. Zee and I have exchanged comments on our blogs until we went dark for awhile. We exchanged books and I sent her a CD or two of music.  Her companions were the furry kind until she met Sam. They loved each other, married, and then shortly afterward decided to share their love by adopting Jenny and George, a brother and sister, who needed a home and lots of love. They got it. The 2 kids have grown (my how they have grown!). Zhenya (Jenny) and Zhora (George) are probably 6 years older than when I first saw them via pictures. I’ve never known what Sam does for a living; Zee works in some form of IT. They also love Jesus. Before I met her, Zee spent time in the states. A pastor of a church in Nashville, IN knew her from spending some time with her family. Oh yeah…did I tell you that Sam, Zee, Zhenya and Zhora live in Kiev?

Caleb is a missionary pastor. He married a Ukrainian girl and they have had 3 children. Caleb is pastoring a church in Odessa. Yeah, that Odessa. Ukraine. The church he pastors and the others he shepherds are ministering to the people in the city. They did not run.

I heard from Zee yesterday (Sunday) early morning after I sent her an email. Sam is one of the volunteers who patrol the city by taking up arms to defend their freedom. Zee and the kids are in the church basement steering clear of the missiles the ego maniac has ordered upon these freedom-loving people.

My heart aches for Zee’s family and friends. My heart aches for Pastor Caleb and his church and the pastors he shepherds. But I’m also encouraged by their resilience, their passion, their love for freedom, their country, their God, and for their friends and neighbors. Caleb pastors Odessa Baptist Church and Zee’s family (at my last word) attended a Nazarene church.

May they know God’s unlimited mercy and peace and grace. May they never forget there is a pastor and his church in Spencer, IN praying for them. May they know there is a nation that sees people who love freedom and are willing to pay the ultimate price to defend it.

My prayers-and hopefully yours-will be with people like Zee and Caleb and the Ukrainian nation. And may God bring an end to this ego maniac’s plan to destroy another country with his godless philosophy.