Idols browsing by tag


June 6

Tuesday, June 6th, 2023

Do you remember a game called “Word Association?” Well…in case that was before your time…the game is played with someone saying a word and the other person(s) saying the first word that comes to mind. Charades is sort of this on steroids.

So…I’m going to give you a word and you write down in your mind or on paper the first word that comes to mind. Ready?


What word came to your mind? Statue? Religion? Carving? Ritual? Special place? Or maybe you thought of a specific one.

I’m guessing most of us would think statue or carving.  And we would think of some religion or tribe somewhere that would have a stone or wood statue. Or we may think of someone who has a place set up on a home.

But let me push you beyond that. The Bible explicitly states, “You shall have no other gods before Me.” (Ex.20:3) It continues by saying, “You shall not make for yourself a carved image” and “You shall not bow down to worship them.” (Ex.20:4-5). Can’t get much plainer than that.

We wipe our hand across our forehead and say, “Whew! I dodged that bullet!”


An idol does not have to be a physical statue that we give homage to. An idol can be anything-ANYTHING-that garners our attention and affection. I have a 2-wheeled beast (a bicycle not the motorized kind) that has garnered a lot of miles and a lot of my attention over the years. Too much sometimes.  No, I didn’t bow down and kiss it. But I can guarantee I have put off some things and allowed it to have way too much of my thoughts and way TOO much importance in my heart at times. You might be thinking, “Well, Bill, how could you direct so much of your attention to an inanimate object?” I rest my case on what an idol is.

You see…God will not stand for 2nd (or 3rd or 4th or…) place in my life. Or yours. He wants to be #1. He wants to be the boss. He wants to be the object of our adoration and worship. An idol is anything that seeks to usurp God’s rightful place of importance in my life…and yours.

What about you? What or WHO is #1?