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Tuesday, January 28th, 2025
“Some things never change.” I’m sure you have heard or used that phrase before.
It struck me as I read today’s Scripture in Exodus 30-32. Short recap: Moses and Joshua are up on the mountain where Moses is receiving instructions from God for numerous things. The Tabernacle. The Altar of Incense. The Table of Shewbread. The Lampstand. The Ark of the Covenant. The clothing for the priests and a myriad of other things. He is also receiving the Law, commonly referred to as the 10 Commandments. But there is trouble in the camp.
In chapter 32 the people come to Aaron and ask him to make them some gods who can lead them. Moses, after all, is an unknown to them (so they say) and they have no clue as to his whereabouts. So in Exodus 32:4 it says, “Then Aaron took the gold, melted it down, and molded it into the shape of a calf.” That latter phrase is especially important. When God tells Moses to get down to the camp, he is livid. He throws the tablets down breaking them into pieces and then turns to Aaron and asks, “What did these people do to you to make you bring such terrible sin upon them?”
Now…here it comes. Two vital thoughts:
- Aaron’s first response: “Don’t get upset, my lord. You yourself know how evil these people are. They said to me, ‘Make us gods who will lead us. We don’t know what happened to this fellow Moses, who brought us here from the land of Egypt.’
- Aaron’s second response: So I told them ‘Whoever has gold jewelry, take it off.’ When they brought it to me, I simply threw it into the fire-and out came this calf!”
Okay…do you see the two thoughts? One, Aaron placed the blame on the Israelite people. Not himself. Remember when that happened once before? “The serpent tempted me.” “The woman you gave me.” The apple didn’t fall too far from the tree with Aaron did it? Two, do you notice it says he melted it down and molded it into the shape of a calf. But then he tells Moses that he threw it into the fire and out came this calf. WOW!
I think that is called “Passing the buck” and then “Lying.” But like I said at the very beginning: some things never change. The Garden of Eden. Aaron. January 28, 2025. It may be a new dog but it is the same old tricks. Let’s break that cycle. Let’s stop the blame game and let’s start telling the truth.
{Note: All Scripture from the New Living Translation}
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Tags: Blame, Choices, Christian Living, Lifestyle, Miscellaneous, Opinion, Reflection, Scripture look, Sin, Story, Taking Responsibility
Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
God’s provision is seen in so many ways. I’d like to share two of them with you today.
The first is from a section of Scripture that gets a lot of traction simply because of its unrelenting grace and goodness of God. The people of Israel have been major complainers for quite a long time. They complained about the servitude in Egypt. God raised up Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. They complained and panicked when they saw Pharaoh’s army coming and they were trapped between the Red Sea and the army. They complained about a lack of water so God told Moses to strike a rock. They complained about a lack of food so God provided manna and quail. It blows me away to see how God took care of His people. I read this morning about God’s abundance in Psalm 50:9-11: “But I do not need the bulls from your barns or the goats from your pens. For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird on the mountains, and all the animals of the field are mine.” And yet, when you read passages like Exodus 16-17 one can’t help but be amazed at God’s willingness to provide for His people, even though they were ungrateful and wayward at times. Even though they were faithless and discontented way too often, He continued to provide out of His grace! They certainly didn’t deserve it but it was given nonetheless.
The second kind of provision is one you might never give a thought to. Last night at midnight I received a call from someone in the church that her mother had passed. This lady was an elegant 97 year old. Her “boyfriend” of almost 20 years passed away last October one month shy of being 101. I have boyfriend in quotes because she kept saying, “He is not my boyfriend” but at his deathbed she said, “Thank you for being my boyfriend.” 🙂 Ruth fell and broke her hip this past Sunday morning and a CAT scan showed she had suffered a stroke a few days before. I visited her Tuesday and knew it would not be long. She was a sweet lady and she got a chuckle whenever I saw her, hugged and said, “Good morning gorgeous!” Sometimes she would giggle. Sometimes she would roll her eyes. God’s provision for her is a home built just for her. John 14: 2-3 says, “There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.” Ruth is home in a home provided for her by the Father. The great part is that I will see her again.
God’s grace and provision is seen in so many ways. I just gave you two of them. Can you think of any more?
Note: All Scripture is from the New Living Translation
Posted in InTheShadow | 6 Responses »
Tags: Christian Living, Death, Generosity, God, God's Provison, Heaven, Kindness, Miscellaneous, Opinion, Reflection, Scripture look, Story
Tuesday, January 14th, 2025
I want to piggyback on yesterday’s devotion a bit. You can read that here.
I summarized the early part of Joseph’s life in that post. As I read today, I made a few more observations that I had missed in previous readings. I’d like to share them with you today.
First, it is often tiring waiting. I hate waiting in lines at a store where there are multiple check out lines but only one or two cashiers working. And invariably I get in the line of the cashier who is as slow as molasses. But, that is a fact of life and there is really nothing I can do about it. I noticed something in Joseph’s life as I read. I brought up in yesterday’s post about Joseph interpreting the dreams of the king’s cupbearer and baker. When the cupbearer’s life is spared and he is restored to his original position, Joseph asks him to remember him. Genesis 40:23 tells the story: “Pharaoh’s chief cupbearer, however, forgot all about Joseph, never giving him another thought.” Well…so much for “remember me.”
But as I continued reading this morning the first 4 words of 41:1 stood out to me: “Two full years later.” See that? Two. full. years. later. Joseph languished in that prison for two more years! Granted, he may not have had it as bad as some since he was given the “head” of the prison, but still! Two years later Pharaoh has two dreams that his magicians and wise men could not interpret. Suddenly, the cupbearer remembers Joseph and I like what he says: “Today I have been reminded of my failure.” Ya think? Long story short he tells Pharaoh about Joseph so Pharaoh calls for Joseph. He cleans up (tells you a little bit about the prison conditions) and stands before Pharaoh.
Here is where the second lesson comes in. Pharaoh tells Joseph he had dreams and no one is able to interpret them, but that he has heard Joseph could. And don’t miss this! “It is beyond my power to do this,” Joseph replied. “But God can tell you want it means and set you at ease.” (41:16) Talk about giving credit where credit is due!! Joseph could have easily hid where his wisdom comes from or he could have just said, “Tell me and I will tell you.” NO. He makes sure God is given the credit for the ability to interpret the dreams.
So Joseph tells him what the dreams mean and also gives a plan for the dilemma they bring up. (I would encourage you to read Genesis 41 for the whole story). Joseph is elevated to second in command with only Pharaoh having more prominence and power than him. And Joseph implements his plan for preparing and ultimately saving Egypt and surrounding areas from the famine.
Imagine if Joseph had pouted and complained and harbored hatred toward that cupbearer. Just think how miserable his life would have been. Just remember: we may not like waiting, but there is a purpose, even when we can’t see it.
Posted in InTheShadow | 4 Responses »
Tags: God's Glory, God's Plan, Humility, Miscellaneous, Opinion, Patience, Perseverance, Reflection, Scripture look, Story, Trials
Thursday, January 9th, 2025
One of the most confusing exchanges in Genesis is the life of Jacob and Esau. When in the womb, there was friction. In fact, Rebekah was told that there were two nations within her. When born Esau came first, but Jacob came out hanging onto his heel. That would seem to be the story of their whole lives.
Esau taking things for granted; Jacob always plotting.
Esau became a hunter; Jacob felt more at home, well…at home. Isaac loved Esau. Rebekah loved Jacob. If that doesn’t spell disaster I don’t know what does! I’ve seen the whole divided favoritism thing play out in real life and it NEVER turns out well.
Esau takes off hunting. Jacob stays home and makes a red stew. Esau has a lousy day hunting and comes home famished. So famished he thought he would die. Jacob, always the conniver, gets his brother to give up his birthright for a pot of stew. Perhaps Esau never thought much about it again but Jacob didn’t forget. You can bet your bottom dollar on that!
Fast forward a few years and Isaac is blind. He senses the end is near so he commissions Esau to go out and kill some game, cook it, bring it to him, and he will bless him as his firstborn son. Enter Rebekah who overhears the conversation. She calls Jacob and they set up a scheme. To his credit, Jacob doesn’t seem to be totally into the scheme of tricking his father that he is Esau. But he follows through with it and while Isaac questions who is in front of him, Jacob is complicit in the lie. He receives the blessing reserved for Esau, the firstborn. When Esau returned with the game, he found out Jacob was up to his old tricks again. This time he vows revenge so Rebekah convinces Jacob to run to her brother’s. Jacob does that and if there is such a thing as “turn about is fair play” Jacob was the recipient. After working 7 years to marry Rachel, Laban tricked him into marrying Leah instead. He worked another seven years to marry Rachel. The con got conned. (A retelling of Genesis 25:19-34; 27:1-29:35)
Did you ever wonder why some stories are in the Bible? Well…I don’t really wonder why on this. God definitely shows us through the story of Jacob that imperfect people can still fulfill His purpose. Just think about it: that is all He has anyway. 🙂 But Jacob? WOW!!
There is hope for me. True, I never cheated anyone out of a birthright or stole a blessing intended for the firstborn. (BTW: I am the oldest, but not firstborn). But I have cheated. I have connived. I have lied. I have pretended to be someone I’m not. I’ve taken advantage of people. And the list goes on. BUT I’M ALSO REDEEMED. I’m also a new creation. I’m also a child of the King. I’m also proof God is in the restoration business.
I’m thankful for the story of Jacob. It is quite revealing.
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Tags: Bible/Scripture, Choices, Christian Living, Conniving, Dishonesty, Forgiveness, God's Plan, Miscellaneous, Opinion, Reflection, Scripture look, Story
Monday, January 6th, 2025
Well…the order of the day is snow, snow and more snow. First, let me be very clear: I did not order the snow! Some goofy youth pastor of the church we pastor ordered it. As we were getting ready for the live stream yesterday (due to having to cancel in person worship due to the…ahem…snow), he decided to get on the bad side of the four of us who were there (sound tech, Power Point & her husband, and me) by spouting off how much he loved snow and couldn’t wait to get out in it to play with his three teenagers. Yeah, they all need their head examined. Good thing I like him and he is doing a great job!! I jest, of course. As much as I hate to admit it the weather people got this one right. Gone (for now) is my saying from Back to the Future when Doc Brown says, “Since when can the weatherman predict the weather.” It started with a light snow around 9ish and then as the day moved on it picked up volume. As I type this this morning I have heard conflicting reports of 8″ up to 12″.
As I already stated, we did live stream yesterday. The decision was made on Saturday at noon in order to give our folks enough lead time to know, but also to give our “callers” the time to do their ministry. They either call or text people on their list to let them know of the change. Diana, our church secretary (also known as Lady Boss or the more professional, Administrative Assistant) spearheaded getting the ladies to help and then sends out a text to all of them to pass along. Now THAT is efficiency! That means I work with a youth pastor who thinks he is funny but good at what he does, and a very efficient secretary who often goes above and beyond her “job description.” I wonder where that puts me? 🙂
It all makes me appreciate even more those I work with. I’ve been rereading some works which are called fables. They are leadership books/fables written by men like Jon Gordon and Pat Lencioni, leadership gurus who have been around a long time. The Garden, Stick Together, and The Carpenter by Gordon; The Motive by Lencioni; and The Servant by James Hunter have been great refreshers for me on leadership. They have reminded me of the value of a good team, but that it really does start with me. Planting seeds of positive reinforcement, making sure we work together with a common goal, giving the best we can but realize we need breaks, making sure we are a leader for the right reason, and knowing being a servant leader is the primary leadership principle, are all part of being a leader. I have no pretense that I am a great leader (I try and want to be), but one of my desires for 2025 is to become a better leader. I’m going to do what I can to make that happen.
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Tags: Christian Living, Church, Leadership, Ministry, Miscellaneous, Opinion, Perseverance, Reflection
Tuesday, December 31st, 2024
I’m not a betting man but, if I was, I would be willing to wager I will NOT be the only person to say this today: “December 31st-the last day of 2024. Can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday we were turning the page to 2024” (or something similar). It does seem that the old adage is true in more ways than one: “Time flies when you are having fun.” Like everyone else on the planet I would not say all of 2024 was fun, but I would say it was eventful.
Jo and I made our first ever trip to Arizona courtesy of a friend. We not only spent time with he and his wife, but we also got to meet another longtime blogging friend of mine. Along the way we saw the Grand Canyon, stayed in Sedona for two nights, ate some great food and met some amazing people.
We made several trips to Ohio to watch our grandson play high school baseball, both during the school year and during the summer. This past fall we were able to watch him play several football games. He is now a senior and will graduate this coming May. His dream of playing college and professional baseball is pretty much dead in the water (unless he grows about 5 inches and packs on some muscle). BUT he is currently sitting at a 4.25 GPA and is about 90% sure of attending THE Ohio State University. Cameron, his sidekick, also plans to attend OSU. They met while working at Skyline Chili (that stuff gives me shivers. Who in the world thinks that cinnamon belongs in chili?). She actually approach someone about him asking her to the prom last year. Times sure have changed haven’t they? 🙂 We got to spend some time with her on Christmas Day and thoroughly enjoy her.
There have been funerals and weddings in the church family, some I participated in and some of which I was an observer.
Speaking of the church: we are in the process of an expansion. It has taken since 2018 to raise enough money to get started with excavation and hopefully this spring with construction. The leaders have made a commitment to building debt free for which I am in total agreement. We have, by God’s grace, seen an upswing in interest in the church. I (and the other leaders) are still trying to grasp what it is that is leading the interest. I spent the months of September and October preaching on the Feels Like Home, of the church being HOME to people. I know tomorrow is New Year’s Day and the probability of people reading this blog are slim to very slim (maybe none), but I plan to include the saying we began saying to remind ourselves who we are and who we want to be.
Finally, my big thing in 2024 was my knee replacement surgery. As of yesterday, Monday, December 30th, I was at the 7 week mark. My bend is 125%+ but my knee flat on the table is still at 3%. They say my cycling has tightened my hamstrings and they won’t allow my knee to straighten. It is painful trying to get it straight. They say where I am at 8 weeks is where I can expect to be the rest of my life. The PT is working hard, as am I on my own. It just may not happen. But I’m okay with that since I can now walk pain free and am no longer bowlegged in my right leg. The doctor shaved the top of my bone, rearranged some ligaments and tendons and said I would feel fantastic in about 6 months. Time needs to fly! 🙂
That is a short recap of my year. There is, of course, more I could include, both triumphs and disappointments/heartbreaks, especially spiritually. How was your year?
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Tags: Christian Living, Church, Friendship, God's Plan, Miscellaneous, Opinion, Perseverance, Reflection, Story, Year end recap
Thursday, December 19th, 2024
I have a laptop that I use quite a lot. Over a year ago someone in the church gave me a big monitor which I absolutely love. My laptop sits closed at the base of the monitor because I like using an external keyboard rather than trying to fit my big fingers on the small keyboard of the laptop. I have a Bible open to my favorite chapter in the Bible sitting on top of my closed laptop and a post-it “thingy” (it looks like an arrow that says, “Read me!”) pointed directly to my favorite verse. I have one pointing to Luke 24:32 since that verse is the theme for my 2025 year of preaching. When Jesus walked with the two men on the road to Emmaus following His resurrection, they realized who He was when He broke bread with them. Their words were “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?” I want to keep that constantly in front of me as I study.
But hands down my favorite passage in Psalm 37. I have the post-it arrow focused on verse 5. Please allow me to share with you the words from Psalm 37:1-8 this morning. I can think of no better way to start the day than to read Scripture and focus on what it says. Maybe this will be just for you today.
“Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong. For like grass, they soon fade away. Like spring flowers, they soon wither. Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. (That was verse 5) He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper-it only leads to harm.” A little later in that chapter (verses 23-24) he writes, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” (Scripture from NLT)
I wrote it without verse divisions because I wanted you to see its flawless reading. How it flows. But most importantly the meaning and encouragement this chapter gives. I hope and pray you might take some time today to meditate on these verses and then allow them to flood your heart and soul. Who knows? They just may become your favorite as well!
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Tags: Bible/Scripture, Christian Living, God's Word, Lifestyle, Ministry, Miscellaneous, Opinion, Quiet Time, Reflection, Scripture look, Truth Telling
Wednesday, December 18th, 2024
Just a series of random thoughts this morning:
Is anyone else getting tired of hearing about the drones? Find out what they are and shoot them out of the sky for crying out loud if they are invasive. Quit playing around (can anyone say Chinese spy balloon?), get to the root of the problem and take care of it. Sort of like the moles in my front and back yard. They are invasive and a pain in the you-know-what. If I knew blowing up my front and back yard would take care of them, I would be tempted. Nothing has worked and it has been worse since my knee surgery because I couldn’t go hunting. I believe if was able to look I would find a whole city and amusement park underneath. There is some reason God created them. If you figure it out let me know.
Another senseless school shooting. If they know what led to it they are not telling. Those poor parents. They will have to live with the reality of their daughter’s suicide, as well as the stigma that she took other lives as well. The trauma the others will experience is unthinkable. I have a daughter who teaches Kindergarten in our local school. Is it any wonder I pray for her everyday and that our church focuses on a different educator each week to pray for?
Getting the knee replacement was an absolute necessity. Because I was bow-legged the doctor told Tami he had to shave the bones and move ligaments and tendons around. “He will be sore for awhile (ya think?), but in about 6 months your dad is going to feel absolutely fantastic.” Is it 6 months yet? Nope. Just 5 weeks. I have graduated from a walker to a cane and now to falling flat on my face (just kidding). I do not need the cane anymore, but I still ice it several times a day. Hey, it is a great excuse for sitting in my recliner and reading or watching the inside of my eyelids. 🙂 The worst part has been where they gave me the nerve block and used the tourniquet (upper thigh not at my shoulders). It is still pretty tender and keeps me up at night. My sleep pattern is all messed up. I sleep anywhere from 1-3 hours in bed then I am up. I usually find my way to my recliner where I hope to fall asleep again. Last night I did that and actually decided to try going back to the bed after about a half hour of icing my knee. (This was at 12 midnight). I actually slept 3 more hours in bed! I’m praying for a full night’s sleep since we will be heading to Ohio next week and two nights in a hotel with no place to go will be a real trial.
Rehab is going pretty well. They measured my knee bend Monday and it was at 125%. They were shooting for 120. The backside of my knee lying flat on the surface was around 3% (they want 0%). I’m not sure it was ever flat but I will keep trying. I go to the Y as often as possible to rehab it and to get on the recumbent bike. He said I’m about a week away from trying my bike at home on the trainer. I’m guessing there will be a mixture of joy and fear at the same time.
Speaking of rehab: it is done to measure progress during recovery. There has to be a way to measure the growth and maturity of a person in his/her walk with Christ. In preparation for the concentrated effort of reading through the Bible next year using Everyday Gospel Devotional, I finished reading Psalms for the second time in 2024 this morning and closed my Bible after reading Revelation 14 (second time through the NT in 2024). But how does one tell if growth has taken place or if reading the Bible was just that…reading? Any thoughts?
Thanks for “listening” to my ramblings this morning. Have a great day!
Posted in InTheShadow | 6 Responses »
Tags: God's Word, Leadership, Ministry, Miscellaneous, Opinion, Perseverance, Prayer, Reflection, Rehab, Spiritual growth
Monday, December 9th, 2024
I’m going to brag a little bit. Not about me but about the church I pastor. Even as I write that it sounds bad. But please hear me out before you write me off. 🙂
Yesterday was a big day in the life of Owen Valley Christian Fellowship. Perhaps I can give you a better perspective by giving you a shortened timeline of the history of OVCF.
- Started in October of 2004
- They met at several different places until they settled on the Owen Valley Sports Complex.
- The pastor who came with them left after just a few months, but they plugged away with guest speakers, some from the community.
- Jo & I came in November of 2005. Diana, the church secretary, and I started the same time.
- The complex was dirty and small but we made due.
- The flood of 2008 displaced us for 4 months (we met at the Owen Valley Middle School).
- In 2010 we purchased a previously abandoned Mormon church building and began immediately getting it ready for occupancy. September of 2010 was our first worship in the new building. It was small (we knew it ahead of time), but it was to become our home.
- In 2011 we found out we had been embezzled out of $200+k. We chose to forgive and move on.
- In 2012 we renovated and remodeled our inside space.
- In 2014 we hired Ryan East as our youth pastor.
- In 2018 we expanded by building a children’s wing. That was a very, very wise choice. We paid cash (another very wise choice).
- In 2020-2022 we lived through the COVID era but through the faithfulness of God on multiple fronts and the generosity of our people, we never had to cut anything. It was during this time that our live stream became a reality.
- Beginning with the dedication of the children’s wing in 2018, we started planning and preparing and saving for an addition to our building. We were determined to pay cash for it. Our people have been patient meeting in two services and faithful in their giving.
Yesterday, December 8th, we broke ground for that addition. The weather, which had been frigid all week, turned beautiful. The sun was shining and it was in the 40s. I used Psalm 84:1-2,10-12 as we prayed and dedicated our new effort to God and several turned dirt. The excavators are possibly starting this week. Our plan is to get the earth moved and let it sit through the winter and then in the spring pour concrete and put up the building. We will proceed as we have the money. God has been faithful. Why would He stop now? He won’t.
Thanks for listening to my “brag” this morning. But I never want it to sound as though “we did this.” We are extremely thankful to God for His abundant grace and faithfulness to us as a church family. My prayer is that we will never forget what God has done. My further prayer is that we will never lose sight of Who is in charge; that we will never get too big for our britches (and that God will make us bring our belts in a few notches if we do); and that OVCF will always feel like home.
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Tags: Church, Church History, God, God's faithfulness, Ministry, Miscellaneous, Opinion, Reflection, Story
Thursday, November 21st, 2024
In the previous post (November 20) I referenced Erwin Lutzer’s book, The Eclipse of God, where he stated there were 3 gravediggers who built a coffin for God. A quick recap:
Gravedigger #1- Karl Marx: An Attack on God as Ruler.
Gravedigger #2- Charles Darwin: An Attack on God as Creator.
And today’s- Gravedigger #3-Sigmund Freud:An Attack Against God as Lawgiver. Freud saw a belief in God as a fantasy. Freud made his own rules. His real fantasy was sex, sex, and more sex. No holds-barred sex. Sex of all kinds. One of his disciples was Alfred Kinsey, a bisexual who interviewed sex offenders, child molesters, and sexual assaulters for his “Kinsey Report.” I remember hearing about that as a young pastor but was clueless as to its meaning or impact. This man is S.I.C.K. He even believed child rape poses no problem for children! SICK and WRONG! So very wrong.
The satanic spawn of the gravediggers attempts to destroy God can be found in 3 philosophies. I’m sure you have heard of: Communism, Nazism, and Fascism. We have certainly seen the children of those beliefs.
What does this all mean for we who are Christ-followers? We need to stop play-acting. We need to stop posing as Christians. We need to become real Christ-followers. For the record: I see a distinct difference between calling oneself a Christian and one being a Christ-follower. More than anything else, this world needs to see genuine followers of Jesus.
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Tags: Culture, Miscellaneous, Opinion, Story, Truth Telling