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December 17

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

Just a series of random thoughts this morning:

Is anyone else getting tired of hearing about the drones? Find out what they are and shoot them out of the sky for crying out loud if they are invasive. Quit playing around (can anyone say Chinese spy balloon?), get to the root of the problem and take care of it. Sort of like the moles in my front and back yard. They are invasive and a pain in the you-know-what. If I knew blowing up my front and back yard would take care of them, I would be tempted. Nothing has worked and it has been worse since my knee surgery because I couldn’t go hunting.  I believe if was able to look I would find a whole city and amusement park underneath. There is some reason God created them. If you figure it out let me know.

Another senseless school shooting. If they know what led to it they are not telling. Those poor parents. They will have to live with the reality of their daughter’s suicide, as well as the stigma that she took other lives as well. The trauma the others will experience is unthinkable. I have a daughter who teaches Kindergarten in our local school. Is it any wonder I pray for her everyday and that our church focuses on a different educator each week to pray for?

Getting the knee replacement was an absolute necessity. Because I was bow-legged the doctor told Tami he had to shave the bones and move ligaments and tendons around. “He will be sore for awhile (ya think?), but in about 6 months your dad is going to feel absolutely fantastic.” Is it 6 months yet? Nope. Just 5 weeks. I have graduated from a walker to a cane and now to falling flat on my face (just kidding). I do not need the cane anymore, but I still ice it several times a day. Hey, it is a great excuse for sitting in my recliner and reading or watching the inside of my eyelids. 🙂  The worst part has been where they gave me the nerve block and used the tourniquet (upper thigh not at my shoulders). It is still pretty tender and keeps me up at night. My sleep pattern is all messed up. I sleep anywhere from 1-3 hours in bed then I am up. I usually find my way to my recliner where I hope to fall asleep again. Last night I did that and actually decided to try going back to the bed after about a half hour of icing my knee. (This was at 12 midnight). I actually slept 3 more hours in bed! I’m praying for a full night’s sleep since we will be heading to Ohio next week and two nights in a hotel with no place to go will be a real trial.

Rehab is going pretty well. They measured my knee bend Monday and it was at 125%. They were shooting for 120. The backside of my knee lying flat on the surface was around 3% (they want 0%). I’m not sure it was ever flat but I will keep trying. I go to the Y as often as possible to rehab it and to get on the recumbent bike. He said I’m about a week away from trying my bike at home on the trainer. I’m guessing there will be a mixture of joy and fear at the same time.

Speaking of rehab: it is done to measure progress during recovery. There has to be a way to measure the growth and maturity of a person in his/her walk with Christ. In preparation for the concentrated effort of reading through the Bible next year using Everyday Gospel Devotional, I finished reading Psalms for the second time in 2024 this morning and closed my Bible after reading Revelation 14 (second time through the NT in 2024). But how does one tell if growth has taken place or if reading the Bible was just that…reading?  Any thoughts?

Thanks for “listening” to my ramblings this morning. Have a great day!

November 11

Monday, November 11th, 2024

Today is the day…the day I have been waiting for!!

If I was doing a wedding I might add: “the day you have been waiting for all your life.”

But I’m not doing a wedding. And I can’t say I have been waiting for this all my life. 🙂 Since the shape of my legs is genetic (I take after my grandfather and his side of the family), I should have known it was coming. I can remember sitting with the grandfather during his knee replacement surgery around age 75 (I am 72) since my mom had to work. But when you are in your 30s and healthy, you just never think, “Oh that is going to be me in a number of years.” But here I am.

I abused my body at times. I played baseball from the time I was 8 years old until high school graduation. In 9th grade I picked up a basketball and could not chew gum and walk at the same time, let alone dribble and run at the same time. Multiple hours were spent on the sidelines learning to do just that. I was ignored in high school but when I hit college and was in full stride. I’ll not bore you with by-gone accomplishments. Trouble was the older I got I thought I could play like I used to. Aging bodies are not made to take the pounding I gave my legs. It was a matter of time until my back and legs complained. 1992 was the year when basketball went bye-bye, as did softball. Cycling, however, was a constant. No impact (except if you get hit by a car or go over the handlebars. I might know someone who had that happen to him). But still that did not factor into knee issues. Slightly bowed legs and genetics did. I had meniscus surgery at 61. At 62 I was unable to stand on my bike to pedal up a hill and a visit to the knee doctor revealed arthur had visited. He sent me to a knee replacement specialist who told me I had some arthur but not enough to warrant having a new knee at my age. “Let’s put it off as long we can” were his words and he has. Three steroid injections and one hyaluronic acid injection later, he was able to delay it 10 years. The last steroid injection lasted 1 month. Yeah…it was time.

So, here I am. I have tried religiously to do all the required pre-surgery stuff. Breathing. Antibiotics. Exercises. Protein drinks (theirs and mine). Stopping my vitamin regiment when told. The nasty nose ointment twice a day to help clean out all bacteria. All that is left is the trip to the surgery center and, oh yeah, the surgery. I have a lot of people praying for me, so even though I know it will be a somewhat painful recovery, I know in WHOSE hands I rest. People have asked me if I’m nervous or scared. The answer is No.  I don’t relish the rehab, but being able to walk without pain will be a big plus. The greatest part of this is knowing I have a God about whom King David wrote: “Trust in the Lord and do good. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. COMMIT EVERYTHING YOU DO TO THE LORD. TRUST HIM AND HE WILL HELP YOU.” (emphasis mine). (Psalm 37:3-4 NLT)

I’m not sure about what I will be able to post, nor how often. I do have a guest post planned for Wednesday that I believe you will not want to miss. I had someone tell me at church yesterday that she was working on one. Gail is having trouble keeping her words few. 🙂  Lord willing, I will be back soon. Maybe tomorrow with a report. By the time many of you read this my surgery will be over (it is at 8:45 a.m.). Please pray for my recovery and please pray for Jo, Tami and Janna. Thanks. See you on the flip side.

November 5

Tuesday, November 5th, 2024

Martha asked me in yesterday’s comments if the knee situation was resolved. I wrote last week about a stress test I was having. You can read that here.  I had planned on giving an update yesterday, but wanted to write something else. Then the post became too long to keep adding to it, so I thought I would give you this brief update today. The stress test went well. The folks who handled it were superb. I was totally at ease. I was before I went and they made it even easier. The reading of the test seems to be that compared to an older EKG there was a difference. True that. I am older now and a lot happens as you get older. Anyway, I passed the test with flying colors. There was no difference between my resting heart and adrenaline-charged heart. 🙂 

That means that all is a go for my knee replacement surgery scheduled for next Monday, the 11th. What to expect? There is a big “C” across my forehead. It stands for “CLUELESS.”  Oh, I have those who have had them done tell me to be prepared for the worst pain of my life. I’ve had those who say that I am in good shape and should bounce back quickly. Fortunately, I have not had anyone say, “I will come to your funeral!” 🙂  I have had some tell me I am not going anywhere. Jo who? One would think she doesn’t trust me to stay by myself. She must think I might ride my bike indoors or go to the Y.  (Since it is my right knee that eliminates that. I can’t drive…for at least two weeks). While I am a dreamer and don’t think it will stop me from functioning, I’m also a realist and KNOW it will be a lifestyle change for a short time.  I KNOW! Maybe I can hire some servants who will cook my meals (Jo doesn’t like to cook) and wait on me hand and foot. Nah, I might accept that for a day or two but I am not one to sit for long and do nothing. I will have to go to therapy twice a week (I can’t say I’m looking forward to that pain), and will have ice packs and (if needed) some pain meds. My tolerance for pain is pretty high so I’m hoping to keep that to a bare minimum (if at all).  I know it will not be a walk in the park (pun intended), but I’m so looking forward to walking and cycling and doing things without pain and a limp. I honestly have no fears going into the surgery. I can’t say I’m all that excited about the therapy, but if it gets me back, let’s do it!

Two things I’d like to ask:

****Please pray for me, Jo and my family. Also for the church as they transition to life without me for a couple of weeks (hopefully). 🙂  Question: What will they ever do without me? Answer: survive and thrive.

****As you will see in tomorrow’s blog, I am asking if you have a story you would like to share, I am willing to post it here. I am not sure about how often I can post, or if at all. I would love to have your story to share.  I pre-wrote and pre-posted tomorrow’s blog featuring a long-time blog reading friend. I would love to share your story here. Send it to me in an email and I can copy/paste to make it easier for me.


October 31

Thursday, October 31st, 2024

If I were to conduct an on-the-street interview and asked, “What is the one thing in common for all people?” I am sure the answers would be many and varied. But the long end of a short story is that I think the answer should be


What is stress? Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress to some degree.

The definition about says it all. Stress can be a good thing and it can also be a bad thing. Stress can lead some people to take action, like getting their health in line, or getting a project done and over with because “the stress is too much.” A stressful family situation can lead to seeking help to cope.

Stress can also break a person down. I have been to enough hospitals, nursing homes, and inpatient facilities (so far not for myself) to see the damaging effects of too much stress or not dealing with it correctly.

It seems counterproductive then to say, “We want to do a Stress Test on you” to see what happens. I guess you could put that under the “Good kind of stress” category???  On November 11th I am having a long-put-off knee replacement. I will tell that story in another/future post. As part of the prep for surgery they had me come to the hospital and watch a video about the procedure (no gross or revealing pictures were shown) 🙂  and also to have an EKG done and draw some blood.  I received a call a day later that the doctor wanted me to come in for a Stress Test because my EKG was different than the previous one. Well…okay. Since they called while I was at the Y, I called them back to find out what the doctor found and they said, “All he said was he recommends you come in for a stress test since your EKG was different than the last.” Well, that was sure helpful.  (notice the tongue in cheek) I could have told them the young tech taking the test kept fiddling with the probes. But I didn’t. So I have a stress test scheduled for today. No caffeine after 10 last night, i.e. coffee. (No problem. I don’t drink the nasty stuff anyway). No food after 4 hours before.  I understand they will put an IV in and do what? Yeah…they have told me nothing. One thing I won’t do is run on a treadmill. No can do. I suspect they will fill me with dye, race my heart, and see if I light up. The test will last, they say, 3-4 hours. Can you say, “Headphones here I come”?  In preparation I charged them and they are good to go for 26 hours. 🙂

I am making light of this but I know it is essential for a successful surgery. As you can imagine, Jo is concerned. Least I think she is. I know Tami is. She asked me to text her as soon as I know something. Janna, the one who lives in Ohio, is pretty nonchalant about many things. I think she gets that from me. 🙂

I’m asking for your prayers today. Even without a taxing physical regimen, it will be a tiring day I suspect. I know I am in God’s hands. I really am not concerned or worried about this. I am ready for the knee surgery to be over with so I can resume a somewhat “normal” (no comment needed) life.  I’m in His hands and I totally trust His will for me.  “God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength, and he makes my way perfect.” Psalm 18:30-32 (NLT)

August 13

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

Random thoughts from my early morning reading to get you thinking:

I wish I did it more often: As a pastor I speak a lot of words-some unsolicited (Hmmmmm), some as part of a conversation, and some much-needed and appreciated. Words of encouragement. Words of guidance. And sometimes…sometimes…words of wisdom. 🙂 It goes without saying that I don’t always have the right answer or, in fact, the right anything. But sometimes I say the right thing to fit the occasion or the person’s need.  Proverbs 25:11 says, “Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket.” (NLT)  The ESV translates that verse as “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”

Will my words be remembered for the hope, direction, encouragement and wisdom they gave? Now THAT is something to think about!

On faith: I’ve always been intrigued by the story in Mark 9 of the father with the demon-possessed son and his encounter with Jesus. When Jesus comes on the scene, His disciples have been unable to cast a demon out of a young boy. The father than asks Jesus to do it. The exchange is what intrigues me:

  • Jesus: “How long has this been happening?”
  • Father: “Since he was a little boy…Have mercy on us and help us, IF YOU CAN.” (emphasis mine)
  • Jesus: “What do you mean ‘If I can?’ Anything is possible if a person believes.”
  • Father: “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!”

Jesus then heals the boy by casting out the demon. The issue is not casting out the demon but the man’s faith. My way of seeing this is like the man is saying (using a ruler as an example), “I have 5 inches of faith. Make it 12 inches.”  Simplistic I know. But the man is simply saying, “What I have I bring. Help me have greater faith.” Jesus obliged.

Warning: this is not a name-it claim-it example. It is simply an example of Jesus’ ability to do the miraculous even if all we have is a mustard seed of faith. Bring what we have and trust.

There is more from Mark 9 to chat about but maybe another day. I’ll simply say, “Think on these things.”

April 15

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Does the way things happen ever make sense?

That has been the question running through my mind the past week and on into the weekend.   Please give me a chance to tell you why I ask that.

My best male friend has been told he has 18-24 months to live. One of my other male friends was given 3-6 months to live and it has been close to two. Unless God intervenes time is running out. Then this past week one of our boys in the church (age 6.5 he has informed me) has been sick off and on since January/February. He goes from kinetic energy to crash is 5 seconds. Some things have been ruled out but what has not has been leukemia and lymphoma. He goes the 25th to Riley Hospital for a full work up. The family is still waiting to hear the prognosis.

As I shared with the church yesterday, I believe God has 3 answers to our prayers:

“Yes.” We like this one for obvious reasons. We like that we are in agreement with God…or is that He is in agreement with us? In either case, a good answer.  🙂

“No.” This is an answer but not quite the one we wanted. This simply means that God and I are not on the same page. Shocker! But at least its an answer!

“Wait awhile.” This is the toughest I believe. No one like to wait. From grocery store lines to prayer, waiting is not a strong suit. It’s like God is saying, “Hang on. I’m not going to answer right away.” The answer will come-perhaps a yes, perhaps a no-but just not yet. And it’s not because God is being mean or vengeful. Maybe there is a lesson I need to learn. Maybe there is a timing issue. In any case, I have to realize that what seemed like a bad idea actually worked out for my best.

Until God’s timing comes to fruition, I’ll live life to the fullest and realize God is good…no matter what. For reference take a moment to read Psalm 116:5-19.

October 23

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

I am writing this Sunday night from Sandusky, Ohio. On our way to Columbus for the weekend to visit our daughter and grandson, Jo received a call from the care center where her sister lives. After her dialysis last week, she had 2 seizures. She came back to the center on Sunday afternoon and this past week had an eye test that revealed she possibly had a detached retina. They wanted to do surgery Tuesday (tomorrow) and Jo needed to be there. (She is her POA). Since we were already on our way to Ohio I asked if it could be changed to Monday. They graciously did that, so her surgery is scheduled for 2:30 this afternoon. We came here Sunday night and will return home Tuesday, Lord willing. Please pray for a safe surgery if that is God’s plan. Pray for Jo as this is emotionally hard on her, even though they are not as close to each other as they used to be. Dementia and Alzheimer’s can do that.

As a result I will not be posting until Wednesday. But over the weekend I did try to keep up my devotional reading. I read this from Proverbs 21: 31: “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.”  We can do all kinds of preparation and making plans to do battle; we can have strategy out the yazoo, but only God can bring the victory. Go with Him this week. Trust Him with all your plans, and yes, schemes 😂 but just know He has his will and His way.

One more thing: my youngest brother, Curt, lost his wife to death this past weekend. But more: she got a new home. I’d appreciate your prayers for him.

And last (I promise): pray for our safe travels over the next few days. The eye surgery is an hour drive away and our trip home 6-7 on Tuesday.

October 16

Monday, October 16th, 2023

“While there is breath, there is hope.”

I read that this morning. How appropriate. This past weekend we (Jo, Tami and I) traveled to Ohio to see our daughter/sister, Janna, and our grandson/nephew, Braden. While there we received a call (Thursday) from the dialysis center that Jo’s sister, who is in a nursing home with diabetes, dementia, and other maladies, had suffered what they thought was angonal breathing (Google it). They took her to the ER and admitted her. From that point we were 2+ hours away. From our home in Indiana we are 6-7+ hours away. Long story short, they believe she actually had some type of seizure and then admitted her that night to the ICU with another one. We received word yesterday afternoon (Sunday) they were releasing her to the nursing home.

“While there is still breath, there is hope.”

Vicki has lived a long life (74 years). Not so a 5 year old boy named John (named changed). John has had a glioblastoma since sometime in 2022. (Sorry the exact date escapes me). Long past the expected lifespan, John continues to fight as do his parents and doctors. As do I. Only my fight is the prayer version. I will pray until John breathes his last breath…or me. It would thrill me if my last breath was before his.

What a testimony it would be if John was healed. Only God knows, of course. Only God decides when each of us will die. He does not heal everyone, least not physically here on earth. But He has promised a great retirement plan for those who love Him, and especially children. Psalm 139:16 says, “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your  book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (ESV). Our days are known only to Him.

“While there is breath, there is hope.”

Thank you to Lori Hatcher. That statement was from her book Refresh Your Hope published by Our Daily Bread.

June 7

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

Warning signals are designed for a purpose-a warning that something big is coming.

Our community has tornado sirens. When heeded they save lives or at least lets us know something is coming. When the tornado made its way through our neck of the woods a couple of months ago-and landed in some areas- the only casualties were those who failed to hear or heed the warning.

When the tsunami hit Indonesia in 2010 (has it been that long ago?) over 400 people lost their lives. It didn’t have to be.  They had a warning system of buoys that had become detached and drifted away. My question would be whether it happened because of the tsunami or from neglect or forgetfulness to check them. In any case, it was a tragedy which could have been avoided.

We have fire and smoke detectors in our houses. If heeded they save lives. What good would it do if we heard them go off and say, “Oh, that’s just the fire alarm. I’m going back to sleep”?  said no wise person ever.

We have a warning system “built in” to each one of us. It is called the conscience. For the most part, that is enough. We have been given the ability to discern right from wrong.

For some-and I am referring to Christ followers-our system has another mainspring: the Holy Spirit. We all know our consciences can be hardened-seared it is called-where what is right and what is wrong is skewed. Oftentimes it is unreadable. The Holy Spirit (who is Christ in you) helps us to know right and wrong.

If you are a follower of Christ, stay sensitive to the leading of the Spirit. Stay open to those nudges, those gentle tugs on your spirit, that say yes or no.  I’ve noticed those tugs are good warning signs when they need to be, and good lights to light my path.

But you must listen!

May 31

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

There is a saying you may have heard or will hear from time to time: “You can take that to the bank.” When a person uses that phrase it means “what I have said to you is a sure thing.”

The Bible is filled with “take-it-to-the-bank” moments:

  • “There is none righteous, no, not one.” Romans 3:10
  • “We all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.” Romans 3:23

Can anyone really argue with the logic-and the TRUTH-of those two statements? I think not. There is not a person on this planet who think someone is perfect and has never sinned or done anything wrong.

There are many other statements you can take to the bank. Let’s give another scenario: You are feeling overwhelmed. You are feeling alone. You are feeling like you are drowning. You are anxious. You feel abandoned, like you are in a boat in the middle of an ocean without a paddle. You are being tossed around by a storm and YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER IT. But God’s take-it-to-the-bank words come to you in the nick of time to reassure you: “You are not alone. We are in this together. I promised you I would never leave your or forsake you. You belong to me. Trust me. You are safe.”  I’ve just given you a different take on the passage that says, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” He says, “I am with you, even to the end of time.”

Those words-trusting those words-turn panic into peace; bad news into good news; fear into faith; confusion into calm. Isaiah 41:10 says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you in my righteous right hand.” (ESV)

And…You can take that to the bank.