Random thoughts from my early morning reading to get you thinking:
I wish I did it more often: As a pastor I speak a lot of words-some unsolicited (Hmmmmm), some as part of a conversation, and some much-needed and appreciated. Words of encouragement. Words of guidance. And sometimes…sometimes…words of wisdom. 🙂 It goes without saying that I don’t always have the right answer or, in fact, the right anything. But sometimes I say the right thing to fit the occasion or the person’s need. Proverbs 25:11 says, “Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket.” (NLT) The ESV translates that verse as “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”
Will my words be remembered for the hope, direction, encouragement and wisdom they gave? Now THAT is something to think about!
On faith: I’ve always been intrigued by the story in Mark 9 of the father with the demon-possessed son and his encounter with Jesus. When Jesus comes on the scene, His disciples have been unable to cast a demon out of a young boy. The father than asks Jesus to do it. The exchange is what intrigues me:
- Jesus: “How long has this been happening?”
- Father: “Since he was a little boy…Have mercy on us and help us, IF YOU CAN.” (emphasis mine)
- Jesus: “What do you mean ‘If I can?’ Anything is possible if a person believes.”
- Father: “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!”
Jesus then heals the boy by casting out the demon. The issue is not casting out the demon but the man’s faith. My way of seeing this is like the man is saying (using a ruler as an example), “I have 5 inches of faith. Make it 12 inches.” Simplistic I know. But the man is simply saying, “What I have I bring. Help me have greater faith.” Jesus obliged.
Warning: this is not a name-it claim-it example. It is simply an example of Jesus’ ability to do the miraculous even if all we have is a mustard seed of faith. Bring what we have and trust.
There is more from Mark 9 to chat about but maybe another day. I’ll simply say, “Think on these things.”