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March 27

Monday, March 27th, 2023

Why do you exist? What is your purpose in this life? Seriously, why do you live on this planet?

Are you just taking up space?

Are you living for yourself, seeking personal fulfillment?

Are you trying to make a difference in the world, and more specifically, in the life of others?

I recently read about a poll taken that asked Americans what they thought was their main purpose in life. You might think the main results would be “To make a contribution to society” or “To have a meaningful life.”


The majority said, “Life is enjoyment and personal fulfillment.”  So…in other words…live for yourself.  Sounds like the old Grassroots song: “Sha la la la live for today.” (A ’60s song…look it up).

Years ago Pastor John Piper wrote a book entitled “Don’t Waste Your Life.” That about sums it up.  You can waste your life pursuing trivial pursuits and living for yourself or you can live it for the benefit of others. There is a quote which has made it rounds and no man really knows where it came from. It was used by Harry Emerson Fosdick in 1942 but it had circulated for years before he made it popular.

A man who is all wrapped up in himself makes a mighty small package.

Benjamin Franklin said,

A self-centered person is not very appealing to others.

A person who lives for himself is indeed a very small package. As a follower of Christ, my life is to be lived for Him and for His glory. Jesus Himself said, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

Don’t waste your life on yourself. Spend it by giving it away to others.