There is an old saying I’m pretty sure we have all heard: “Be sure your sins will find you out.” We read stories-often daily-where this adage plays itself out.
- A church treasurer who decides the church’s money is their personal bank so they begin using the money for themselves and financing ventures for personal gain.
- An accountant who siphons money from a client or clients because of greed.
- A builder who uses cheap materials and takes shortcuts while building.
The sad list goes on. Men and women who are trusted, but end up cheating, lying, and taking advantage of others. All while believing they are not going to get caught.
I Timothy 5:24 says, “The sins of some people are quite evident, going before them to judgment; for others, their sins follow after.” (NASB2020) See that last phrase? My translation: sin will come to roost.
But how about good? You know…there are people who do good but want no recognition. But try as they many, word gets out. I was reminded of that when I continued reading I Timothy 5:25-“Likewise also, deeds that are good are quite evident, and those which are otherwise cannot be concealed.” (NASB2020)
Good should never be done for the purpose of recognition. But sometimes it just can’t help itself. But keep this in mind: it is far better to be known for doing good, than to be known for your “sins.”
We had a good weekend. I know some of you had prayed for that. We celebrated Janna’s birthday. She had a migraine so we brought her food home after eating supper with Braden. We visited Jo’s sister, who did not know me, and I’m thinking barely knew Jo. We watched Braden play football Friday night. He played a good game and even intercepted a pass. We also had a safe trip with all the driving miles. Thanks for all your prayers.