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October 25

Friday, October 25th, 2024

“CELEBRATE!” (cue up Rare Earth from the 60s or if you prefer Kool and the Gang)

I normally don’t post on Friday, or the weekend for that matter. But this is big! Huge in fact! I know you are waiting with baited breath to hear what is so important that Bill would break protocol to post on a Friday.

OVCF, the church I have had the honor and pleasure of pastoring for 19 years (I start #20 next month) is celebrating its 20th anniversary this Sunday. 20 YEARS!!! No matter how you look at it that is quite an accomplishment. From starting out with a meeting in a hardware-type building with just a few folks and meeting at several different places in its beginning, the church found a “home” at the Owen Valley Sports Complex, where it was meeting when Jo and I moved here in November of 2005. We temporarily moved to the middle school for a few months until someone got a wild hair to get us out so we went back to the complex. We went back to the middle school when the flood of 2008 displaced us from the complex for about 4 months. In 2010 we bought an unused Mormon church building. We had our first worship in the new facility in September and were excited about the future. In January of 2011 it came to light that over $200k had been embezzled from us. But God was good. I missed one paycheck during that time and it was made up at the next pay period. In 2012 we remodeled our building to accommodate our growth. We knew when we bought the building it was too small and would require an expansion.  In 2014 we hired Ryan East to be our youth pastor. He had been working at IU Credit Union and teaching our youth group. It was a perfect fit! In 2018 we sacrificed expanding the adult worship area for a youth wing. It was a very wise decision. Along with that we became debt free thanks to someone’s inheritance. When COVID hit the generosity of the people never quit. We didn’t miss a beat. In fact, we expanded to offer live stream during that time! We also increased our mission giving.  After finishing the youth addition, we began saving for an expansion on our adult worship area. We have been in two services since 2013 and there is a strong desire for a unified body in one service. Holidays like Christmas and Resurrection Sunday will often find us at the Abram Event Venue to hold all of us at once. But that comes with a ton of inconvenience and limited ministry to the kids (like none).  We have continued saving to be able to build debt free. Along the way we have taken our Easter offering and given it away to missions, giving all of  away unless designated otherwise. We have taken our anniversary offering and put it in the building fund or given away all or part of it to missions as well. God has been more than faithful to us.

So we celebrate Him this Sunday. We celebrate His faithfulness and goodness to us this Sunday. And yes, we celebrate the people of OVCF. They are, after all, the church. Not the building. People have come and gone-some through death, some through moving, and yes, some through discontent. But along the way, God has also brought some exciting people that I’m proud to call friends and ministry colleagues. One of them reads and comments on this blog almost daily-Ryan and his wife, Amanda. Jo and I still see them and go out to eat with them (Chili’s here we come!). People like Ryan have impacted my life in ways they do not know and words fail when I try to express them. Over my 19 years I have seen a lot happen at OVCF and in Spencer. My prayer is that the influence and legacy has been a positive one.

I’ll close this post for now and give an update on our celebration on Monday (Lord willing, of course). Until then, may I ask you to pray for us for Sunday? My deepest prayer, my most fervent prayer, is that in our celebration we will never lose sight of Who is behind it all and to Whom we give all the praise. One of the songs we will be singing, along with Good  Good Father and No Longer Slaves is  Firm Foundation (I prefer the Disciple/Honor and Glory version): “Christ is my firm foundation/The Rock on which I stand/when everything around me is shaken/I’ve never been more glad/I put my faith in Jesus/Cause He’s never let down.”


{Note : if you so desire, we are unable to live stream from AEV due to a lack of good internet connection. My message has been prerecorded and downloaded and will be shown at 10:00 Sunday morning on our YouTube channel. It is a shortened version of the live experience but will give you a little bit of a taste of being there}.

One more thing: I did this from home on my iPhone so if you find typing mistakes, blame the phone. 😂

October 9

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Famous people born on October 9th. Tony Shaloub (OCD Monk). Jackson (“Doctor my eyes” & “Mr. Bojangles”) Browne. John Lennon (Ever heard of him?). Scott Bakula (Quantum Leap and Star Trek: Enterprise…See a pattern? NCIS: New Orleans). Sharon Osbourne (oh…yay). And others. 

Famous people who died on October 9th: Oskar Schindler (a hero to many). Jacques Derrida & Che Guevara (I should be sad to them gone why?). And others.

One more: Me. 🙂 It is funny how perspectives change…but then again, they really don’t. Life is just looked at from different angles. When I was a young boy and my parents were in their 30s and my grandparents were in their 50s, I thought they were ancient.  🙂  As I aged, so did they. My mom had medical issues in her 40s that required surgery; my dad had a heart attack at 48; my grandfather had a knee replaced in his 70s. His job with USS and his bowed-legs did him in. I’ll soon be joining his club due to my own bowed legs and playing sports (especially basketball) way past my prime. My age and his are eerily close. My mom went to be with Jesus one month shy of her 72nd birthday from a rare form of lung cancer which struck woman who were non-smokers. My grandmother died of lymph node cancer. My grandfather lived to be close to 90. My dad died at 90 with Alzheimer’s.

All of that seems surreal when one is young and looking through the window. But, in time, that window becomes a mirror. At 72, I’m not ready to cash it in. I’m not ready to retire. I absolutely love what I do and don’t see myself doing anything else (especially being a Walmart greeter). 🙂 But I also realize my time is not in my hands. My favorite verses of the Bible are found in my favorite chapter: Psalm 37. They have sustained me and are my go-to verses. “Trust in the Lord and do good…Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you….Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act…Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper-it only leads to harm.” (verses 3-8). Verses 23-25 says, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned.”  (NLT)

I, you, have no control over our future. My DeLorean can be packed and ready to travel but no time machine can change God’s plans and timing. Yes, I am 72. I have less years left than I have lived. But I know, while I have no control over how many, I do know I want to live them full tilt. While Jo wants me to retire, or at least slow down (to a crawl), that is not my plan…unless God says otherwise.

Have a full and blessed day my friends. I certainly plan to do so. As an old song once said, “The longer I serve Him the sweeter He grows.”

August 15

Thursday, August 15th, 2024

Knee Replacement Day.

We have special days we remember:

  • Valentine’s Day- Remember Love
  • Easter- Remember the Resurrection
  • Memorial Day- Remember the Fallen
  • June 16, 1973- Remember Wedding Day (better not for forget that one!)
  • Independence Day- Remember Freedom
  • Labor Day- Remember Work
  • October 9, 1952- Greatest Day (birthday) 🙂  (I’m a legend in my own mind)
  • Veteran’s Day- Remember Veterans
  • Thanksgiving Day- Remember Gratitude
  • Christmas Day- Remember Jesus’ Birth

And now a new one for me to remember: November 11th-Knee Replacement Day

After years of running and jumping playing baseball and basketball (and believing I could still jump and play like I used to); after soon-to-be 72 years of a bowed right leg getting worse as I aged; after meniscus surgery at age 61; after arthritis in that same knee; after 4 injections (3 steroid and one hyaluronic acid) with the last steroid barely lasting weeks; after days and night of discomfort; after times of painful walking and feeling like it was going to was going to give out and put me on my face…it’s time.

I know it’s necessary, but after visiting the PA yesterday for a preliminary exam and talking, it will be no walk in the park (pun intended).

Interesting, isn’t it, how we remember days? Day of infamy. Days of celebration. Day of intense joy. Days of deep sorrow. God has given us an incredible ability to remember, to learn, to grow from every experience. Don’t waste a moment. Don’t waste an experience. Learn. Grow. Psalm 29:1 says, “Honor the Lord, you heavenly beings; honor the Lord for His glory and strength. Honor the Lord for the glory of His name. Worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness.” (NLT)

Celebrate special moments. But in those special moments, honor Him.

April 29

Monday, April 29th, 2024

Peace…in spite of.

Have you ever wondered what makes some people be as “calm as a cucumber” while others are frazzled to the bone with the same situation?

How can some be relaxed while others can’t stop wringing their hands?

How come the first move of some is to run to the doctor for a med at the first sign of stress while for others the first response is to drop to their knees in prayer? (Please don’t take that as me saying I’m against meds that serve a purpose).

Much has been made of the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is dependent on circumstances; joy is in spite of the circumstances.

Peace is the same. There is a settledness, a peace that some people have in spite of their circumstances. There is a well-told story about a lawyer named Horatio Spafford. He, his wife, and four children had booked a passage to Europe for a much-needed vacation, but at the last minute something came up that required his immediate attention. He sent his family ahead with the intention of joining them as soon as possible. The ship collided with another and sunk and only his wife survived. She sent a wire to him: “Saved alone.” In his grief, he booked the next passage to meet up with his wife. When they came to the spot of the shipwreck, the captain pointed it out to him. Mr. Spafford penned these words: “When peace like a river attendeth my way/When sorrows like sea billows roll/Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say/’It is well. It is well with my soul.'”

What kind of peace could lead Mr. Spafford to pen those words when his heart is breaking? A peace that is not dependent on circumstances. That kind of peace comes from the ONE who is bigger than the circumstances. Jesus once said, “My peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you.” That’s the kind of peace I want. How about you?

November 22

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023

Throughout the month of November, I have been encouraging the people of the church I pastor to take time to be truly thankful. Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and I will not be posting until Monday (unless I get a wild hair to do so), I thought I would do what I have encouraged them to do and write down some things I am grateful for. This list is by no means exhaustive. It is a starting point, maybe a guide for you as well.

*For the God who loved me and continues to love me; sent His Son to die for me; gave His Spirit to live in me; promised the return of His Son; and for all He has given me, I give the highest praise of all. Words fail to adequately express my gratitude.

*For my wife of 50+ years who has stuck with me through all kinds of stuff. I don’t deserve her.Thank you for doing life with me.

*For my two adult daughters who call me “Dad,” the loftiest word in the English language. They continually bless my life with their love and presence.

*For Braden, my one and only grandson, who is forging his way in life, in sports, and in the world. May he always know how proud Grandpa is of him (even though as a 17 year old he now finds other things more important than sitting on Grandpa’s lap and watching Transformers movies). 🙂

*For the church family called Owen Valley Christian Fellowship (OVCF) I am honored to pastor. I started my 19th year this past Sunday. To say how truly blessed and grateful I am to be their pastor cannot be expressed. I pray the Gospel is preached; Jesus is Honored; Grace is offered; Lives are Changed; and Obedience is Encouraged. I truly hope that those who find their way to OVCF can say, “I’m home.”

*For you who read “Shadow.” Thanks. Blogging is not what it used to be in popularity or influence. Life changes. But each day I journal during my Encounter Time at my kitchen table before anyone stirs (maybe even the mice if there are any). 🙂 As I journal, I write my thoughts and musings which become my daily posts here at “Shadow.” Each day you get to read my heart and mind. How scary is that? 🙂 I do hope these devotions spark a desire in you to know Jesus deeper, and to face life in His strength. Selfishly, I wish more would read, but I’m thankful to you for reading. And, of course, it is all up to Him as to what happens with “Shadow.”

Have a grateful Thanksgiving my friends. May you truly find much to be grateful for.


Friday, November 17th, 2023


There is a profound difference between thankfulness as a concept and thankfulness as a practice. This is true in so many ways. Take, for example, car companies. Every year they have a grand extravaganza of a car show.  Included in this show are “concept cars.” Cars of the future. Cars that are dreams of people. But in most cases, they remain concepts. I’ve seen some wild ideas that are just that…ideas. How much more practical to reveal a car that is a reality.

Think for a moment about gratitude. People who think rightly about God’s provision are thankful, and rightly so. And they say so. Thankers (that is not a word according to spell check) feel something because their gratitude is felt, sometimes deeply. We may stumble on words or how to express our thanks (like when we are put on the spot in a crowd), but we have this overwhelming sense of gratitude for what we have received.

This week I am continuing my series on More Than a Holiday by talking about “we have been blessed to bless others.” There is no better way to say thanks than to pass along that thanks by doing something for others. So, after a look at the 10 lepers in Luke 17 we will be going to James 2 and try to put a “handle” on some practical ways to show gratitude.

Join us in person if you are able. If not, please watch our live stream. We meet at 9:00 and 10:45. I look forward to seeing you or hearing you were watching.


Friday, November 10th, 2023


The story is told that Oliver Cromwell, an English statesman and widely considered one of the most important figures in the history of the British Isles, coined the phrase “warts and all.” Pictures show him with a very prominent wart between his lower lip and chin. When he was given the title of Lord Protector, it required a portrait be painted of him.  He refused to sit for the portrait unless the painter, Peter Lely, painted him “wart and all.”

The truth is that many of us don’t want to be seen as we are. We want the warts to be hidden.  For us to know what a thankful heart should look like, we have to be open and honest and openly picture it, even it makes us feel uncomfortable. 

Sunday morning, after finding out what a thankful heart should look like, I plan to run a comparison of a thankful heart vs. an ungrateful one. This time, for this purpose, it will be good to compare. Sunday morning I am continuing my series More Than a Holiday as I look at Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, with that theme in mind. So…what does a grateful heart look like? And are some of the negative results of an ungrateful heart?

Please join me Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45 either in person or via live stream.  I would love to see you and meet you in person if possible. If not, let me know you are watching and I will try to contact you. Have a great and grateful weekend.

November 6

Monday, November 6th, 2023

I started a new sermon series yesterday which is planned for the months of November and December. I’m calling it More Than a Holiday. My original plan was just to use that idea in November but once I really started thinking about it my rationale became clear and simple: those two months carry two of the “Big 3” holidays (the other obviously Easter). Tragically, those two special days have also become “taken-for-granted” holidays. Possibly none more than Thanksgiving.

I think a quick quiz will show that. One question. Word association. “Thanksgiving.”

Answers: Turkey. Family. Football. Time off work (for some). Holiday.

How many in our culture today would say, “Gratitude”? Or something like, “It is stopping the wheel in the mouse cage for a time of slow down and thankfulness”?

Not very many, if any, I’m afraid. That includes those of us who follow Jesus. we often get just as caught up in the rat race as our non-following counterparts.

Thanksgiving should not be a forgotten part of our lives. It changes us. It transforms us. It makes a difference in how we act; how we perceive life; and how others perceive us.  Here is something I wrote for my sermon and used it as part of my conclusion before reading Psalm 75:1 and Psalm 67. 

Gratitude changes our perspective. It changes our altitude (how we look at things). It changes our whole outlook. We go from pouting to praise. We go from grumbling to gratitude. We go from pessimism to optimism. We go from looking down to looking up. We go from griping to grinning. Gratitude helps us hold on to hope. We see from the past that God was good; we can see into the future with hope, knowing God is good.

Start this month determined to make gratitude more than a holiday event but a daily practice.

October 24

Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

Well they say to expect the unexpected. We hit just that. After getting all our ducks in a row (or so we thought) we were ready to take Vicki to her surgery. Only one problem-one huge problem-someone forgot to tell her to cooperate. She gets dialysis three times a week-M,W, F-which tires her out. When we got there she had eaten and was heading to her bed for a nap when they told her she wasn’t going today. She was being taken to an eye doctor. It was all they could do to get her into the wheelchair to get her outside. Then came the impossible part: transferring her to my vehicle. Finally the PT said, “Ain’t going to happen.” So the surgery was postponed. We took her back to her room then made the decision to leave Sandusky and go back to Columbus to stay the night. Fortunately, the hotel released us from the night’s charge and we came here where the hotel is more expensive. But it is what it is. We will return home tomorrow with a much shorter drive. Many of you said you were praying for us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This is gut-wrenching for Jo to watch her sister lose sense of everything. She knows no one, especially us. Before I left I went in and woke her up to tell her who I was and that were loved her. She stirred and smiled and said some unintelligible words. But I’m banking on her hearing and knowing.

Psalm 91:1-2 says, “One who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will lodge in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!’”

That is a promise to hold onto. It is good in good times and bad times; tough times or easy times; strained or relaxed. May those words from The Word be a balm to your soul.

October 16

Monday, October 16th, 2023

“While there is breath, there is hope.”

I read that this morning. How appropriate. This past weekend we (Jo, Tami and I) traveled to Ohio to see our daughter/sister, Janna, and our grandson/nephew, Braden. While there we received a call (Thursday) from the dialysis center that Jo’s sister, who is in a nursing home with diabetes, dementia, and other maladies, had suffered what they thought was angonal breathing (Google it). They took her to the ER and admitted her. From that point we were 2+ hours away. From our home in Indiana we are 6-7+ hours away. Long story short, they believe she actually had some type of seizure and then admitted her that night to the ICU with another one. We received word yesterday afternoon (Sunday) they were releasing her to the nursing home.

“While there is still breath, there is hope.”

Vicki has lived a long life (74 years). Not so a 5 year old boy named John (named changed). John has had a glioblastoma since sometime in 2022. (Sorry the exact date escapes me). Long past the expected lifespan, John continues to fight as do his parents and doctors. As do I. Only my fight is the prayer version. I will pray until John breathes his last breath…or me. It would thrill me if my last breath was before his.

What a testimony it would be if John was healed. Only God knows, of course. Only God decides when each of us will die. He does not heal everyone, least not physically here on earth. But He has promised a great retirement plan for those who love Him, and especially children. Psalm 139:16 says, “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your  book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (ESV). Our days are known only to Him.

“While there is breath, there is hope.”

Thank you to Lori Hatcher. That statement was from her book Refresh Your Hope published by Our Daily Bread.