Ultimate Pursuit

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November 7

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

I am not a multi-tasker. Unlike some people, my brain is wired to be “one-task-focused.” For example, if I am reading something and Jo comes in to say something, I know I have to put down what I’m reading and give her my undivided attention. Not because she demands it (she doesn’t) but because I know I will not hear a word she says if I don’t. Besides, it’s rude. 🙂

Same goes for the TV. She knows she has to mute it if she wants to converse with me. If I’m visiting someone, I have to ask them to either mute the TV or shut it off so I am not distracted.  Fun fact: I used to tell my parents that I could listen to the radio or the record player while studying. Not true and my grades prove it! 🙂

Martha and Mary found themselves as competing sisters in Luke 10. Not overtly, like in feuding. Let’s be kind and say Martha made it that way. While Mary calmly sat at the feet of Jesus and listened to Him teach, Martha hustled around the house trying to get a meal together. She complained to Jesus about Mary’s lack of help and Jesus said, “Martha, Martha (I’ll refrain from using it a third time), you are worried about many things. But one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken from her.” (verses 41-42). I like the way the NLT translates those verses: “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details. There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”

I once heard it put this way: We fail to miss what Paul said in Phil. 3:13-“this one thing I do.” He didn’t say, ‘These 12 things I dabble in.”  Pursue Jesus. Prioritize Him and your time with Him. May knowing Him be your ultimate pursuit, your first desire. You won’t be sorry.