You may have heard the saying-and I know I have used it numerous times:
God is seldom early but He’s never late.
That speaks to one of the hardest things we have to do, whether we are a Christ-follower or just a traveler on the earth:
We are not a patient lot. Just look at our eating habits. Microwave ovens. Get food done faster (although some foods don’t heat up well. Pizza tends to get rubbery). Microwave meals. Insta-pots (Jo uses hers a lot). Instant oatmeal. Instant coffee (I don’t drink any coffee at all. Can’t stand the taste of it). Self-checkout at the stores (usually faster than standing in one of the few lines open at WM or some grocery store). Instant potatoes (talk about fake!). E-filing our taxes and direct deposit the refund (guilty as charged). The list goes on and on. We are accustomed to getting things now…not later. We are not kin to waiting.
“Hurry up and wait” seems to be the order of the day.
The saying I mentioned earlier-“God is seldom early but never late”-is often used when someone wonders why it is taking so long to get an answer from God. It’s like, “C’mon God! I prayed yesterday and I’m still waiting!” 🙂 And so we continue to wait.
Patience is not our strong suit. We want an answer and we want it N.O.W. We need to keep in mind that God’s timetable is not always ours. As much as it pains me to say it, from time to time God’s best answer for us to W.A.I.T. “Slow down,” He says. “Don’t be in such a hurry. I have your best interest in mind.”
There is a great Scripture in Galatians 4. In verse 4 it says, “But when the right time came, God sent His Son…” (NLT) That phrase “But when the right time came” is so important. (There are several historical events that show why this is true, but this is not the time to state them. Maybe another time). Jesus came at just the right time.
God always shows up at the right time. Not early. Not late. Trust Him. Don’t rush Him.