I must be honest. I love to hear praises. As much as I say it and don’t know how to handle it, I do like to hear good words. I like to receive pats-on-the-back. I like to hear “well done.” It’s not that I live for that. If that were the case, I’d be in hot water. I’d be in bad shape because living for accolades is an empty pursuit. For several reasons, but the biggest being I should be living for God’s glory not mine. To take what is and should be His and to accept it as my own is robbing Him of what is rightfully His. As Tripp says:
I was designed for it. I have missed the point without it. What is it? Living every day for the glory of the Father.
When I seek the approval of men; when I accept the accolades of men; when men’s applause motivates me, I have stolen that which belongs to God alone. Psalm 145 is filled with “Bless the Lord.” “Great is the Lord.” “The Lord is…” The only solution to my arrogance, to my ascendancy, to my puffiness is to acknowledge God gets the glory not me. My purpose is to give glory to Him and not take credit for myself. My purpose is to exalt Him not myself.
“Father, you and you alone are to be honored and glorified. You and you alone are to be lifted up and exalted. Forgive me when I become a glory hound. Forgive me when I take credit for your work in and through me. Each time I pray I close with ‘May you be given all the praise, glory and honor.’ Let them be more than mere words I finish a prayer with. May they be heartfelt and ‘lived out’ words.”
Glory… The overarching theme of today’s devotion.
There are really three options of pursuing glory.
1) My personal glory – Wow, Look at me
2) Another created glory – Wow, look at that
3) God’s glory – Wow, God you have proven yourself again of your awesomeness.
The first is a glory thief…
The second is either a glory thief or a sign to the real glory which is God.
I was created to seek glory, not my own… but the glory of God.
That’s a great comment Ryan. I like what you did with the three options. Puts it all into perspective.
It’s hard to live above this flesh. It’s nice to hear kind words of acknowledgment, but it’s so easy to let the words of mortals mean more to us than they should.
Again, you’re not alone, brother.