If I was asked to pick the words that bring more hurt and loss to life it would probably be “He is alone.” Alone. Loneliness. Desolate words. Words which seem to suck the life out of individuals. Even Christ-followers sometimes face this emotion.
But we don’t have to. There is NO WAY God will ever abandon us. God went to such great lengths to bring about my redemption. How in the world can I feel he would abandon me? It makes no sense whatsoever.
- It makes no sense that He would turn his back on me now.
- It makes not sense that He would turn his back on me in my very hour of need.
Since he paid the ultimate price, I can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He will stand by me. Battle for me and beside me. Defend me. I love the story from 2 Kings 6 where his servant is filled with fear but Elisha prays for his eyes to be opened and he sees the hosts of heaven surrounding them. God does that for me.
“Father, when the enemy whispers in my ear, help me to turn a deaf ear. Teach me and help me not to hear, believe or give in to the negative garbage he wants to feed me. With your presence in my life, I have an ally, an unseen ally, who surrounds me and protects me. Unleash your power in me to battle the enemy. You are greater. You are stronger. And I KNOW you will not abandon me in my time of need.”
Absolutely, Bill! We never walk alone, do we? God is our constant companion, and we can take solace and comfort in that each and every moment.
Prayers and blessings!
Thanks for the perspective on the devotion this morning.
The price that he purchased me for was great… Certainly he would not abandon me.
The enemy does like to play with my emotions… likes to whisper to me as well. Too often I listen… I just need to remember God’s promises.