It is typical-and maybe a little easy-to devalue or overlook sin. “It’s not that bad.” “I’m only going to do this once and then I’m done.” And more. But sin is more than a little slip up. It’s more than a slight mistake. It’s more than a temporary lapse of judgment. It’s also common to think of sin as being not too bad. “It could have been worse. At least I didn’t do such-and-such.”
When it comes to sin-and Tripp’s devotion-three truths stand out to me:
- It’s a matter of the heart. Sin is more than acting on something. According to Jesus, “If a man thinks in his heart…”
- Sin breaks a relationship with God. I don’t sin because a broken relationship; the relationship is broken because I sin. Sin separates. Every sin I commit further harms the relationship.
- Sin is personal and relational, even if I do it without realizing it. My sin is first and foremost against God. David certainly realized that in Psalm 51: “Against you, and you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight.”
Sin puts so many factors into play. Distrust. Questioning God. His love. Goodness. Faithfulness. Sovereignty. I’m even questioning God’s right to rule my life. “I know best and your place is second…behind me.”
“Father, sin is real. Sin is serious. Help me to see and know its place in my life. Help me to be more aware of its influence in me. Help me to not kid myself about sin but to lean on You. Help me to see sin needs your control and I need your grace.”
Every sin, large or small, separates us from God. Father, please forgive us and restore a right relationship with You!
Blessings, Bill!
Bill, I think you summarized the devotion well this morning. You point out the three truths…
First, sin starts in the heart before it ever makes its way to the physical action…
Why it is so important to call out for a clean heart.
“Create in me a clean heart God, and renew a right spirit within me”
This has become a foundational prayer for me, one that I pray often.
Ryan S.
Yeah, it’s like a snowball rolling down a snow laden hill.
And it’s a life long battle of this flesh.
I’ll make your prayer mine.