Jo and I are on our much-needed trip away-a trip to Alaska-courtesy of the folks at OVCF (the church I pastor). It was given to us after a tough season of ministry (losing two very close friends to cancer within a few weeks of each other) and in celebration of 45 years of my ordination. Since I won’t be taking my computer and despise using my phone to do any type of blogging, I will be basically incognito from Tuesday, September 3 through Tuesday, September 10. I plan (notice the word Plan) to be back in the office on Wednesday and therefore resume my regular devotions.
So in anticipation of that, I thought I would share with you the Scriptures from Proverbs I underlined my last time through (August). I try to read a chapter of Proverbs for a month, every other month. So here is the Scripture I highlighted on August 5th.
“For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths.”
Keep in mind all I do and say is before Him. Nothing is hidden.
Now it is your turn to think about it.
To imagine that the number of decisions in a person’s life is nearly infinite and to consider the number of people who have lived, are living, and will ever live…
That is a lot to keep track of.
In yet, God still desires to know me intimately that he ponders all of my paths.
I love that verse; He ponders our lives. Then never fails to apply grace…