For the past few weeks I’ve been doing what I call “Drive-bys.” In an effort to be a pastor to the people God has entrusted to my care, and since I can’t go directly to them, nor see them on Sunday morning, I initiated this plan. I drive into a person’s driveway, pray for them, then text them that they have been the victim of a drive-by. Sometimes they come outside to say hi and sometimes not. If they aren’t home I leave a card. Monday, May 11, I did a drive-by of some of our newer people. The oldest daughter, who just celebrated her 14th birthday on the 3rd, has had Lyme’s for 10 years and so they needed to be extra careful because her body fighting off two wretched diseases was asking too much. Anyway, they all came out to the porch and I sat and visited (appropriately distanced of course). The mom asked me 3 questions while I was there:
- “I’ve never heard you speak about eschatology. What is your view?” A: I’m pan-millenial…it’ll all pan out in the end, i.e. I don’t spend a lot of time on it. When Jesus comes; how He comes; no matter the timeline-you better be ready.
- “Do you believe in eternal security? It appears you do.” A: Yes. Conversation ensued.
- “What is the unpardonable sin?” (Mt.12:31)
Good question. What precluded that was a word or two about suicide, divorce, unfaithfulness, turning one’s back on Jesus, and several other issues prompted by Question #2.
My answer: Rejection of Christ. Judgmental people want to condemn all kinds of people to hell because they do this or do that. But there really is only one sin that is unforgivable. Rejection of Christ. Deny Him here and there is no second chance. Destination sealed. In my Quiet Time this morning I ran across this verse: “I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am He you will die in your sins.” (John 8: 2 4). Bingo! There it is in black and white (or red if you have that). Straight from Jesus’ mouth.
“Father, thank you for showing this truth this morning. I’m not concerned about my salvation, but I am aware others have or continue to reject you. May their hearts be softened to accept You.”
Amen, Bill! Let us pray for all who are lost.
It is a must Martha.
That’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We serve an awesome Father. I have some family members saved and some that are not, some saved friends, and some not, but I never give up hope that God will give me the correct seeds that only he can water.
And we can never give up hope Gail. If not us then maybe someone else will reach them. Thanks for the comment.
Missed this yesterday somehow, but a beautiful reminder. Your answers to all 3 questions. I know people who get all bent out of shape if someone doesn’t believe just like them for question #1 and it troubles me because I am reminded of the verse where Jesus said something about only the Father knowing the time of His return. Plus, if we go to war with each other over things like that “how do we plan to live in perfect harmony and love, together in heaven forever?”🤦 And the last 2 questions – beautiful reminders! Thank you 🌞 Blessings!
That thought is my go-to Crystal. If Jesus didn’t know how can I or any one man. Thanks for coming by. Hope you are doing well.