I’ve always had trouble with two words. I’ve heard them used interchangeably, which in my mind is a little much. I know they can be kissing cousins. I know if allowed the one can morph into the other one (and that becomes ugly). I also know they are both listed as sins of the flesh in Galatians 5. What two words?
Like I said, I know they can both be wrong. In my mind, envy is “slightly” bad. But it can morph into jealousy which is really bad.
For example, growing up I excelled in athletics. My brother excelled in music. His voice was and is phenomenal. (I actually have two brothers who can sing. The youngest sings more of a high church/”trained-voice” style. The other one more contemporary. It is the latter one [Rob] I’m writing about). As I got older and my body would not cooperate with me like it used to, I began to realize my brother’s singing was going to last him longer and take him farther than my sports were. I can’t sing so I “envy” his ability. I’m proud of my brother. I relish bragging on him. Do I wish I could sing? Of course. But is it giving me heartburn I can’t and making me resent him? Absolutely not. I even wonder what if I could sing. Would I give credit to God for that ability?
Bare bones: envy is a sign of discontent. “I wish I could sing.” That makes it a sin because I am not accepting who God made me to be or the lot I find myself in. Acceptance of who I am and who I’ve been made to be is essential. And so, while envy is not as “bad” as jealousy, it is still a work of the flesh and damaging to my heart. And a sin.
“Father, help me to check my heart and its desires. Help me to be content with whom you made me to be.”
Wow! Food for thought!
Chew away Diane
I never thought about the two of these being different, but you’ve explained it so well here, Bill. We shouldn’t entertain either one, and ask God’s forgiveness when we do.
Thanks Martha. My guess is someone much smarter than me can put holes in it. But oh well. 🙂