July 19

Written by Bill Grandi on July 19th, 2021

I confess: I’ve never really been a fan of musicals.  My ideas have changed over time though. The first one I went to that I can remember was “Oklahoma!” Sadly, I wasn’t wise enough to keep my comments and opinions to myself and offended some people.  But over time I have changed. I realized it when we went to see The Greatest Showman featuring Hugh Jackman, Zac Effron, and others. The theater manager told me I will have trouble not wanting to move my feet and get up a dance. She didn’t know me very well. I was stubborn enough to do neither (I definitely would not get up and dance. Making a fool of myself is not in my playbook).  The second and third time I watched it -consecutive nights no less- I allowed myself the freedom to enjoy the movie…although I still didn’t dance. 🙂

One of the most moving parts was the song “From Now On” which comes after P.T. (played by Jackman) realized how he had hurt his family and friends by his actions. It still amazes me how he was able to sing while running and not be out of breath. 🙂  Anyway, the song celebrates the joy of coming home.

Luke 15, the story of the loving father and his wandering son, is a story of coming home. The cross is a story of an invitation to come home. Jesus dying on the cross because of His love for us and hatred of our sin, is a story of forgiveness and coming home.

It is actually an open invitation for all to come home. Perhaps you know someone who needs to know they can come home. Jesus is waiting for them. Maybe that person is you. Come home. The WELCOME mat is laid out.


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. Abba’s invitation to “Come Home” is something I anticipate with joy. I so enjoyed that movie, but I honestly do not remember the scene with HJ running. Maybe I should watch it again. Have a great day, Bill!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I anticipate it as well Diane. It is near the end of the movie and starts out in a bar and he runs to his father-in-law’s house.

  2. Glynn says:

    I’m a fan of “The Greatest Showman” as well. It has some great songs – and while I didn’t get up to dance, I thought about it, very seriously.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I’m glad I’m not alone Glynn. I have watched it several more times at home (we have one of those things called a DVD player). i wonder what it would look like for two old men to be dancing. Not pretty I’m sure. 🙂

  3. Ryan S. says:

    Great movie/musical…
    Even greater message.

  4. Ah! The joy of coming home to the Father . . .
    Your sermon was wonderful yesterday, too, Bill!