May 18

Written by Bill Grandi on May 18th, 2022

This is getting hard. Revelation 14 this morning. I counted six angels pronouncing judgment. No clue what the significance of that is. But to “de-prophecy” this, here is what I gleaned:

1. We will stand with the Lamb and sing a new song. (1-5). I have no clue what the 144,000 means. I know what the JWs say and I totally disagree with that. Simple math says  12 tribes x 12,000 = 144,000. Significance? I don’t know. It gets me no closer to the meaning. So I’ll focus on the new song we will sing.

2. The words or pronouncements of the angels were of the destruction of the enemy. Verse 6 is of the angel pronouncing judgment. Verse 7 is an angel saying Babylon will fall. Verses 9-11 tell them getting the mark of the beast was a terrible thing to do.

3. Saints need to persevere (12-13). There is blessing in dying in the Lord.

4. Three more angels come bringing the judgment (15-20)  I confess to replaying the scene from Tombstone where Kurt Russell, playing Wyatt Earp, yells, “I’m coming to get you and hell’s coming withe me!”  This angel is no longer just talk. Judgment is coming.

WOW!! It is at this point I’m saying, “What in the world?” I’ll look more closely what the prophecy gurus say, but let’s just say this:  it often looks like those of us who follow Jesus (the Lamb) are the losers. We are persecuted. Mistreated. Maligned. Criticized. And so on. But some day we will sing a new song. What the words are to that song no one knows. Does it really matter as long as we are singing it? I think not.

And I’m willing to wager that it will be sung on key.

“Father, the song of the Lamb will be one of triumph. That will be my song for and through the ages.”


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. A song of triumph . . .
    I will dwell on that, Bill, with hope and expectancy.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    Again, leaning on others for commentary, it seems CH14 can be boiled down to two harvests. One which will be celebrated with a New Song of Worship, the Harvest of those who have followed Christ… and the second harvest… those who have chosen to turn away from God and as a result will eternally perish.

    Regardless, I don’t think the 144,000 is the end all be all… That number may be set aside for a special purpose…but I don’t see a max capacity sign in our Father’s house.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      That is a good point Ryan. The JWs used to teach that was how many of them would be there. Then they (sadly) surpassed that number and began to say the 144,000 were the elite and the great multitude were the rest. As if… I’ll go with you on this. There is no max capacity number. No “No Vacancy” sign.

  3. gail says:

    Father I will gladly sing your new song of triumph, I am sure it will become my favorite worship song. I like what Bill said, for the first time my singing will be on key, LOL
    What a beautiful choir we will have in heaven. Praise to our Father, for evermore.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I’ll gladly sing alongside you and all the other “out of tune here on earth” people Gail. our tune there will be in perfect tune and timing.