December 8

Written by Bill Grandi on December 8th, 2022

In yesterday’s devotion, I wrote about the saying we often hear at Christmas: “Keep Christ in Christmas.” Today I’d like to give my thoughts (opinion) on another very common statement we hear and see more and more frequently:

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

Now…before you get all bent out of shape over what you may perceive as another attempt to downplay Jesus’ role in Christmas, please hear me out all the way to the end. Please.

“Jesus is the Reason for the season.” I know the intent with this statement. For the longest time I used to share this same sentiment-verbally and written. The intent (at least I’m guessing) was to keep the focus of Christmas on Christ. I totally, totally agree with that. We have way too much distraction from the real meaning of Christmas as it is. So focus on Christ.

However, IMHO, the statement is at the base not true. Jesus is not the reason for the season. We are. Phil.2:5-8 (take the time to read it please) is one of the reasons I say that. Pay particular attention to verse 8. Jesus did not come as God in the flesh; He did not come as a baby because He needed it. He did that because WE NEEDED HIM TO!! The need on His part was to come and die on a cross for us. Hebrews 9: 11-14 is pretty plain. So is the Scripture which says, “Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” (9:22) Hebrews 10:4 also says, “It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.”

So I repeat-sentiment aside-Jesus is not the reason for the season. We are. I think it would be better to say, “We are the reason for the season; Jesus is the meaning.”

I know mine is not as sentimental and you may disagree with what I’ve said. That’s ok. More than anything I want to remind all of us that Christmas is more than a slogan.  Christmas is all about Jesus leaving the comforts of heaven to come to earth as a baby-God in the flesh- to go to a cross to die in my/our place so we may have forgiveness of sins. Focus on Christ and not a slogan. Put all your heart into loving and worshiping the One who gives meaning to the whole season.

Your thoughts?

All Scripture is from the ESV.


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S. says:

    Regardless of the catch phrase that is used or posted on various letter board signs… I think we can all agree that Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, even Valentines Day and the others… Have all been fully commercialized and now serve to make as much money for corporations and fill the endless void of desired stuff for most of population in this country and many others.

    I’ll add an additional twist to your thought though…Let’s see how far down the rabbit hole we go.

    God existed prior to man and created man in the beginning He created not just the earth and all that is in it, but also created one in His image and also a help mate from the one he created.

    Am I misspeaking when I say that God desired a relationship with man? What was the purpose of our being created, if not. Additionally, this must have occurred after a 1/3 of the Angels had fallen with their conspirator, Lucifer, and as a result, 1/3 of those who worshiped God. Is it too far to stretch to say that God is the reason for Christmas as it allowed us, man, to be reconciled back to God through Jesus.
    Which was God’s desire from the beginning…To have a relationship with the one’s He created.

    Perhaps I have not had enough coffee this morning… or perhaps too much… but thought I would contribute my thoughts this morning. Feel free to disagree or counter, It helps to stimulate the mind.

    So perhaps the new letter board sign should read…
    “God is the reason, we are the purpose, Jesus is the Way” … for all seasons!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      There is no doubt it has all been commercialized. When Christmas stuff is out before Halloween is ever history and Thanksgiving becomes a “skipped over” holiday for its true meaning (Thanksgiving) and it becomes just one more vacation day or two or three. I have to think some more on your idea of God desired a relationship with us. With Jesus and the Holy Spirit being part of the three-in-one God, was there a need to seek “outside” help? I don’t know. Was it God’s desire from the beginning? I don’t know. I’ll have to give it some more thought.

  2. I absolutely love your reasoning here, Bill, and will take this to heart.

  3. gail says:

    I agree with you Bill, simply put, it’s all about Jesus, Jesus should never have to compete with anything else in our lives. Unfortunately, being honest, I do not always make everything about Jesus first, that’s why I have to remind myself it never has been about me, and never should be, it’s always been and should be Jesus first. How Great Thou Art