
Written by Bill Grandi on October 13th, 2023


Perhaps you have heard the story of the 6 year old boy who was drawing a unique picture rather furiously. The adult who saw it asked him what he was doing. Tommy answered, “I’m drawing a picture of God.” The adult said, “But no one know what God looks like.” To which Tommy said, “They will when I’m done.”  🙂

With this sermon bringing my part of this series to a close (Pastor Ryan is preaching next week), we have spent almost two months looking at the God we worship. In no way have we exhausted what we can know, but what we have seen is that He is not a God who is unreachable, unknowable, or untouchable. He is very much a God who is alive and interested in every detail of our lives. He is a God we can K.N.O.W.  As you can guess, I have taken the word K.N.O.W. and made an acrostic out of it using Psalm 18 as the catalyst Scripture to paint a picture of God, which I hope will stick with us even though I am bringing this series to a close.

I won’t keep you in suspense as to what the K.N.O.W. stands for though:





The dominant theme of Psalm 18 is that God is our Rock! He is our shelter and our refuge.  He is the “Rock of Ages” as August Toplady once wrote and we sang about. Please join us in person at 9:00 and 10:45 or via live stream.



6 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S says:

    Praying for your safe travels and receptive hearts to take in what is delivyon Sunday!

  2. I love that story about the little boy drawing his picture of God, Bill. We should always seek to know the Lord each and every day through scripture and prayer.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I thought it was a cute story also Martha. And yes, may we always seek to know Him each day

  3. Cheryl says:

    I was just singing Rock of Ages recently and so enthralled, once again and afresh, by the words. He truly is my Rock.