Burning Hearts – January 31

Written by Bill Grandi on January 31st, 2025

In 1969 more than a few people were stunned by a band called Blind Faith. One of the main members was a man whom you may have heard of before. The man’s name was Eric Clapton and he was a founding member of the rock group, Cream.  They were famous for the iconic song “White Room.” Interestingly enough, while many thought it was a drug song, it was the exact opposite.  Back to Blind Faith. They came out with a song that seemed so strange and admittedly, bizarre, to so many. It was called Presence of the Lord. The final chorus has these lyrics: “Everybody knows the secret/Everybody knows the score/I have finally found a place to live/Oh, in the presence of the Lord.”  I have no clue of the whys and wherefores of that song. Was it 4 men searching for something? Was it Clapton searching and realizing that peace and contentment could only be found in God? I don’t know. I sincerely hope he did and still does.

Exodus 25-Leviticus 4 is not the least bit exciting to read but a closer look brings out several thoughts: God pours out His love on His people not because of what is in them, but because of what is in Him.  God wanted His Tabernacle to communicate two things: His unapproachable holiness and the mercy of His forgiveness. But even as God is speaking to Moses and giving him the Law, the people are in a “meanwhile back on the farm acting contrary to what they promised” mode. It is not good. A golden calf that “mysteriously” appeared. (More on that in a later week). 

But is spite of the breach, God still forgives. He still offers His presence to them. It was His presence they needed. So do we. This week I extend an invitation to you to join us at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship at either 9:00 or 10:45 am. If you are unable to be in person, please join us via the live stream. You can send a request to our Facebook Group at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship or view our public page at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship-Spencer, IN. You may also watch via our YouTube channel at Owen Valley Christian Fellowship. If you happen to watch, would you mind letting us know? No pressure. I promise.


2 Comments so far ↓

  1. I never knew this about Eric Clapton until you’ve written about him and his fellow band members here, Bill. I’m not sure if I’ll “tune in” this week as we are going to try to get back to church. Danny’s knee has been acting up terribly, and we weren’t able to attend last Sunday. I miss my church family!
    God bless always!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I appreciate when you do check in Martha but i especially love that you miss your church family. Hope Danny’s knee heals quickly

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