December 6

Written by Bill Grandi on December 6th, 2018

What am I really like? The follow up question is Do I really want to know? 🙂  But then there are more follow up questions to that follow up question. 🙂 🙂

  • Do I really want to know I’m worse than I think I am?
  • Do I really want to know I’m not who I think I am?
  • Do I really want to know that when the chips are down I often become as faithless and fearful as I say not to be?
  • Do I really want to know I find other gods to capture my attention?
  • Do I really want to know I’m as weak as any other man (to quote Samson)?
  • Do I really want to know I’m fickle-a man of faith one minute and a man of doubt the next?

No. No I don’t. But I am. And it’s essential that I do because that means the work of the Holy Spirit (HS) is not being stifled. I don’t want to get to the point of deadness-of dead air so to speak. Dead air is that point on radio where there is nothing. Bad news for a radio DJ or a host. Bad news for a Christ-follower who must rely on the HS. When I stop having the conviction of the HS I’m in trouble. That means sin has, in some way, moved in. The voice of the HS is deadened. Not quenched. But stifled.

“Father, that is a dangerous place to be. Been there done that still doing it. Not intentionally. I don’t set out to silence the conviction of the Spirit, but unless my eyes are open it will happen. Please keep my heart soft and tender toward you. Give me reminders if you see me drifting or shutting you out.”


2 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S. says:

    My heart vs The Holy Spirit…. round ???

    I desperately need the ministry of the Holy Spirit to anchor me when I begin to be pulled away. Tripp points out Mark 7:14-23…. What defiles me is not what I am exposed to, that is simply my inner self coming out and connecting with a corrupt world. If no corruption existed within me, there would not be such the attraction.

    I say it again… I desperately need the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit to keep me anchored and to bring me back when I choose to step away.

  2. floyd samons says:

    The flesh has a way of winding us up in the worst of spiritual droughts…

    True words, brother. It is only God in us…