December 7

Written by Bill Grandi on December 7th, 2018

What does the alcoholic, the junkie, the ex-con, the abused man/woman, the sex trafficking girl, the molested boy/girl and others have in common? They all have the opportunity to use their experience to help someone else, to minister to someone else. They have experienced life in a way I have not and their experience should not be wasted. That’s why today’s devotion is so important.

No one knows me more deeply and fully than my Savior, so no one offers me help formfitted for my deepest needs like He does.

Jesus coming to earth is more than a baby in manger story. It is even more than a death, burial and resurrection story. It is a story of God becoming man. It is a story of God putting Himself in our place as a human; taking on all the weaknesses we experience; being tempted like we are yet he didn’t sin; to die a death we deserved; and to raise to life. He put Himself into a unique place of experiencing all we experience so it could be said, “He had to made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest.”

“Father, to know you understand in comforting. To know you don’t laugh off, ignore, condemn or are impatient with my struggles and prayers is a big shot in the “faith” arm. Thanks for your grace in understanding all I’m experiencing. Help me never to doubt your unconditional love.”


1 Comments so far ↓

  1. floyd samons says:

    It’s hard to look at life with a heavenly perspective, but for those that have wisdom from Above see this life with an eternal perspective.