One of the very common themes of New Morning Mercies was vertical vs horizontal. On this very cold Sunday morning as we will soon gather for worship, my thoughts go there.
We live in an age of abundance. The Western world is filled with people wealthy beyond their dreams (although they will continue comparing themselves to others with more). We are certainly more wealthy than millions of people in Third World countries. We also live in an age of seemingly “Christian” everything. Camps, schools, radio, TV, etc. And yet, we have a vast majority of people who are absolutely, 100% miserable.
I think it comes down to vertical vs horizontal. On this day set aside for worship, what will we worship? What will I? Better yet, WHO will I/we worship? It is said of David he was a “man after God’s own heart.” We see him as flawed. He was. He was human. But even then he sought God’s heart.
When Jesus was in Mary & Martha’s house (Luke 10), Martha got all bent out of shape because Mary wasn’t helping her with tasks. Jesus said, “You are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary.” What was that? It was choosing to be with Him. It was choosing to pursue Him, to listen to Him, to sit at His feet.
On this day of worship, will I sit at His feet? Will I listen to Him? Will I pursue Him? Will my focus today be vertical or horizontal? What will be my “this one thing?”
“Father, may my pursuit today be You. Let me focus be horizontal not vertical. May you be my one thing.”
Sitting at the feet of Jesus today, Bill . . . Blessings!
Fantastic Martha!