February 12

Written by Bill Grandi on February 12th, 2019

My title for this devotion is Seeing vs. Really Seeing.

I have worn glasses since Miss Kutzer’s 4th grade class at Emerson Elementary School in West Mifflin, PA. I can still remember going to Dr. Braveman and being told I needed glasses I can also remember putting them on and seeing the fibers in the carpet for the first time as clear as a bell. Everything appeared closer. I can also remember hating them and leaving them at home that first day of school after getting them because i was afraid of being laughed at. Miss K asked me about them so I wore them the next day…and everyday since (except when I wore contacts). You see, I’m as blind as a bat without them. Sadly, my oldest daughter has inherited my eye gene-and reminds me every year. 🙂 I’m waiting now to see if the developing cataracts are going to require surgery and maybe no more glasses or, at least, very thin ones. 🙂

There are times I see clearly spiritually,. Other times…not so. I see people, but not really. I see God working, but not really. I see an open door, but not really. I see hurting people, but not really. I see God’s guidance, but not really. I see my sin, but not really. Do you know what I mean? I see with my eyes but not with my heart.

I have coined a phrase for myself. I pray often that I will see with “Spirit eyes.” That’s not some hokey, mystical thing. That’s a plea to see people, events, happenings through the eyes of the Spirit. Psalm 73:24 says, “You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you receive me to glory.” It is that first phrase I latched onto this morning. I want to see hurting people through the eyes of the Father. I want to see open doors for ministry through the eyes of the Father. I want to see my sin through the eyes of the Father. Basically, I’m asking for 20/20 spiritual vision.

“Father, help me to see as You see. Give me Spirit-eyes as I look around at others; as I look at ministry; as I look at myself with a clear lens-to see as You do. Clear my vision by clearing my heart.”


12 Comments so far ↓

  1. Pam says:

    A goose-bump moment happened as I read this post. In the background, I was listening to Pandora on Alexa and just as I started to read this post, “Open the Eyes of My Heart” began playing. I think God is speaking to my heart today. Thanks for sharing this, Bill.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    Seems were have another theme going. I second your prayer Bill!
    Give me “Spirit-eyes”

  3. Glynn says:

    Without those spirit-eyes, we are spiritually blind.

  4. Yes, Lord, please give me 20/20 spiritual vision!
    Great post, Bill, as always. Blessings!

  5. floyd samons says:

    Excellent lesson about really “seeing”. Seeing in the spirit is all about the wisdom and grace given by our Father.

    It’s a fine thing to have such desires.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      i agree Floyd with your words “it’s a fine thing…” May that desire fill and fuel us.