June 17

Written by Bill Grandi on June 17th, 2019

I realize this post is so close to the one titled June 16-Weekend Extra but I wrote that as I was thinking about it. I want to title today’s devotion:

True Riches vs False Riches

There are certain things common to all humanity.  Some are certain like death and taxes. Another is if we live long enough we will reach the age of retirement. I am 66. According to our government, I have reached that age. Unfortunately, due to a faulty decision in 1974 I cannot retire; I don’t have SS. And due to the fact that I never made a lot of money and was short-sighted early on, I didn’t plan very well. Okay…not much at all. So I will continue working. I have told Jo I want to die with my boots on-either cycling or preaching. 🙂

I say all that not for your sympathy but to make a point. We are a people too often obsessed with a big bank account. We live as if that big bank account is worth everything. We live and think as if that big bank account is true riches.

But Ephesians 1 tells us differently: “…having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saint. (verse 18-emphasis mine).  This verse puts a whole new twist on what are the riches worth having. To borrow from the title: what is true and what is false. While there is nothing wrong with having earthly riches, in the grand scheme of things the real riches worth having are of a different ilk. As Jesus asked, “What good is it if a man gains the whole world but loses his soul? And what can a man give in exchange for his soul?”

“Father, help me to be a pursuer of real riches. Help me not to get caught in the never-ending trap and endless cycle of wanting and needing more. Help me to seek true riches, the ones which last, the ones which matter.”


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. May our eyes and hearts be fixed upon where our true riches are – in the treasure of Christ Jesus.
    Blessings, Bill!

  2. floyd says:

    The problem with any bank account or wealth is that it’s like manna to the Israelites. You can’t keep it and it’s not going to last.

    It’s easy to get caught up in trying to protect our family and making sure we have enough. That’s when The Spirit reminds me that we have the promise from Him of food, shelter, and clothing. In the end, that’s enough.

    I appreciate and respect your wisdom and faith, brother.l

  3. Ed says:

    I’ve learned many things in 52-53 years… most of which is, if you aren’t a careful/wise keeper of your money then in the end, it really doesn’t matter. I blew off a big part of my one time wealth on things that don’t really matter, but in the end I found that if I had kept it, it wouldn’t have mattered either.

    I’m not retired yet, and don’t plan to be. After all, you can do just about anything when you retire that you can do today… so why wait?

    That being said.. it’s tough living month to month this day. But blessed be God, I don’t worry anymore. My needs are always meant…