My title for this devotion is Second Chance vs One and Done.
Secondhand stores. Goodwill. Habitat for Humanity. Salvation Army. Second chance bike shop. Gently used clothing. They all have something in common: second chances. Everyone of those businesses give something used another chance to be used again. We all know about Goodwill, SA, and Habitat. Take something used, refurbish it, and use it again. There is a lady in the church I pastor who for years had a store that sold gently used clothing.
We all need second chances. In late 2016 and early 2017 I was in a bad place. My love for my wife had grown old and stale. Emotionless. Somewhat cold. But a horrific bike wreck woke me up-woke both of us up-to the frigid state of our marriage. Maybe lackadaisical state would be a better description. I had allowed so many things to crowd out what was important. Jo and I gave ourselves and our marriage a second chance. We needed a “rebirth.” I’m forever grateful to God for His grace and unending love. I’m forever grateful that Jo saw something in me and our relationship to work with me to redeem it. (Note: the “D” word never, ever was spoken. We were not that far gone).
I’m glad God is a God of second chances also. The Bible is littered with broken lives given a second chance by a patient Father. And He is still in that same business today. He doesn’t abandon us because of our sins and wavering. He stands ready with open arms to take us back in and give us that second chance. I read Micah 7:18 this morning: “Who is God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance. He does not retain His anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love. He will against have compassion on us; he will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” (18-19)
“Father, I could never thank you enough for being the God of second chances. You help restore relationships. You restore the relationship with You. Help me never to think that I or anyone else is beyond our reach and ability to restore and renew.”
Help me never to think that I or anyone else is beyond God’s reach and ability to restore and renew…
God, help me keep this perspective when I see others, when I look at myself.
I can’t begin to imagine where I’d be now if God wasn’t a God of second chances. We are beholden to His great love and endless mercy.
Blessings, Bill!
You nailed it. The grace we receive is nothing short of miraculous. I too am thankful for the millions of second chances…