September 25

Written by Bill Grandi on September 25th, 2019

My title for this devotion is Running From vs Running To.

Sometime in the early ’90s we got a dog.  Samson, as I named him, was a drop off. A friend of a friend showed him to the friend who then showed him to my girls and that was all she wrote. But it was soon apparent Samson was my dog. He was part Malamute/part Shepherd and he was squirmy.  He was too big for Janna; Tami dropped him on his head when he squirmed out of her arms; and Jo couldn’t control him. I could. I walked him. Fed him. Played with him.  He knew my car sound as I turned the corner into our cul-de-sac.

We had a side yard with a fence. Only once did Samson get out. We were shingling the roof when someone left the gate open. I saw him take off and foolishly got off the roof to chase after him. Instead of running to me, he ran away. He was only a couple of months old and I was fearful for him. But I should have let him come back to me. My frustration level got greater the longer I went after him. I finally turned around and went back home.  He soon returned.

How much like Samson the human race is. We have safety, security, and all we need at home. But something bites us and we want to check out “the other side.” So we get out of our safety net and roam. Pursue. Chase a rabbit trail of unfulfillment.  God pursues us bidding us to come to Him. To come home. Ultimately, the decision is ours as to whether to continue pursuing the empty life or run to the One who gives life.

Samson came home eventually. I gave him a few swats across the flank then hugged him. He never ran again. We can run from God to a life filled with danger and missteps or run to Him where He may discipline us but then hugs us with arms of love. Run from Him to a life filled with hurt or run to Him and a life filled with love. Which will it be?

“Father, Peter once said, ‘Where else can we go? You have the words of eternal life.’ Help me to always remember that. Help me not to pursue the empty life but to pursue your life.”


7 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S. says:

    Only if it were just to take a couple swats on my flank and then a hug…
    Good story and representation of how the human race is.

  2. Linda says:

    I agree with Ryan S. But have proven that it often takes more than that for me to realize God is always there to come back to.

  3. Coincidentally, Bill, my post for Friday is a poem about Jesus searching for, calling to, the lost sheep. So glad God pursues us even when we are stubborn and foolish enough to run away.

  4. floyd says:

    LOVE this analogy!

    That says it all. We follow after things that can harm and kill us. It reminds me of the scripture about being in the shadow of His hand… how many times have I been scorched and harmed from outrunning my Shelter… rhetorical question…