March 2

Written by Bill Grandi on March 2nd, 2020

Last night in small group we were studying the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18:21-35. No one who reads that parable-whether for the first or the 100th time- can understand the ingratitude of the servant. An astronomical debt (over 1 billion in our currency) vs a miniscule debt is the non-level playing field.  The failure to forgive blows us all away. We wonder “How?”

Our discussion took a turn though when we talked about our forgiveness of others when they don’t ask for forgiveness.  It is then we can feel our insides churn and scream out for justice. It is also when the struggle against resentment kicks in. Resentment is often a silent killer. It lurks inside us churning away at our spirit until it has grown so big that it has to come out. It has grown like a monster within us and has this insatiable appetite for more. It is this resentment and bitterness which often leads people to fly off the handle. Mild-mannered, meek people on the outside explode in a hail of gunfire. Seemingly quiet students take guns to school or an event and unload.

Resentment is an ugly thing. I’m reminded of two Scriptures.  One is Hebrews 12:15-“See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled.” The other is found in Ephesians 4:27- “And give no opportunity to the devil.” There is no question he will take advantage of any root available.  One less root for him to use is the absence of bitterness and resentment.

“Father, release me from resentment. Help me to turn over to You all my hard and harsh feelings and allow You to heal me.”


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S. says:

    Resentment is like a cancer…
    It consumes from the inside out.
    I have seen in it my life… I have seen it in the lives of my family members… I have seen it in the lives of my friends.

    For me, my healing didn’t come until I was willing to release the anger, the bitterness, the frustration, the self pity and move on… Only once the cancer of resentment has been removed can real healing begin.

  2. Harboring resentment hurts only ourselves. I recall a time ten years back when I knew I had to forgive some people even though I knew they would never come to me and ask. It took some doing, but with God’s help, it happened. What a freeing experience!
    Blessings, Bill!

  3. When I first got saved 38 years ago next week, I came home from a Bible study where I learned about God’s forgiveness and that anyone who called on the Name of The Lord would be saved. I filled with an anger (more of a rage) at learning that my father, who was a sexual deviant, alcoholic, child molster, grand poo-pah of Free Masonry and pillar of our little local Lutheran Church could cry out to The Lord and be saved. For three weeks I walked around with bitterness spilling forth from me. I remember exactly where I was when I dropped to my knees and chose to forgive him and Jesus removed all that bitterness from my heart. Oh, it was a glorious day!

  4. Ed says:

    I just know that as Christians, we shouldn’t be filled with any kind of resentment. But there it is.
    But where there is resentment, love still abides. After all, Jesus still loves us despite our resentments.