Memory foam. Touted as the mattress material that “remembers” its shape. It always goes back to its original state. It bounces back.
The big C church has always been that way. Kick it; punch it; slap it; tackle it; it always come back. Not that if ever left. It has had to hunker down a time or two. It has had to go underground for awhile. It has taken blows that looked like it was down for the count. It took on the look of the culture and about camouflaged itself out of sight, but it was always there. Like a phoenix it would rise out of the dust and ashes to become a champion.
How do I know that? Because Jesus said it would. He once said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” I read the following quote that got me thinking:
Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave. G.K.Chesterton
The big C church is under attack today. Speak out and we are accused of being homophobic, bigoted, opinionated, etc. Stay silent and we are accused of bigotry, prejudice, pride, and a lack of compassion. Many want to hide. But the church will never die. It may cloud over; it may become a funky gray color; it may appear misty; but it will stand. Why? Because we will remember Jesus’ word that the gates of hell will never prevail. Never win. But the church will win. We have His Word on it.
“Father, thank you for the words of Jesus. No matter how bad things get; no matter how rough they get; no matter how disturbing and accusatory they become, the church will prevail.”
Thank you for this timely reminder. 💖 I haven’t commented lately on your blogs but they continue to be a source of encouragement and blessing in the midst of constant upheaval and what seems like endless attacks of the enemy against the church and even humanity as a whole. Blessings. Missing OVCF.
Thanks for the kind words Crystal. It is good to hear from you. Was wondering just the other day how you were. Was also thinking of Julia and Sophia. Glad you miss us. 🙂
Yes, LORD!
Thanks Diane.
I so needed these comforting words today, Bill. The church Jesus established will never be defeated, for He has overcome the world.
Thank you Martha. I’m glad you were helped.
It/We will never die out because It/We is only a remnant. Remnants are usually overlooked. 🙂