I wrote this January 1 but am posting it as my first post for 2021.
At the beginning of a new year, I, and countless other followers of Jesus feel like a new start is in order. So people make vows, resolutions, or whatever you want to call them, to do better, be better, speak better…better…better…better. But as the old joke goes we find out on January 2 our resolutions, well…are broken. Did you know making resolutions dates back to the Babylonians who made vows to appease their gods? As if that would work.
Maybe we ought to consider it a lost cause and pursue another avenue. For Christmas someone in the church gave me a daily devotion called Experiencing God’s Presence. The writer hit on something that not only had I never thought of before, but made perfect sense. Like many others, my awareness and closeness to God fluctuates. Close. Far. Close. Far. Inch back. Far. Why is that? {Because there’s a big difference between His Presence and an experience of it.-Jan 1} It’s not enough to believe God’s Presence is every where (and it is); it is also important to experience it. We don’t just want to know His Presence is there, we want Experience it. I’m not talking some mystical, transcendent thing, or some rapturous “caught up into the 3rd heaven” experience (2 Cor.12); or some hyper ecstatic “tongue loosening.” No, I’m talking about encountering Jesus so I am deeply affected down the core of my being. More than hype. Just a deeply affected, inner core sense of God’s Presence. That is my hope and prayer for me in 2021. Will it be yours? I invite you to join me in that quest.
“Father, move in me. Let me encounter Your Presence in the very core of my being. May this year be the year of Your Presence in me and those I influence.”
What a grand prayer to begin 2021 with and to which I say, “AMEN”. Happy New Year, Bill! May The LORD continue to keep you safe on your bike-riding excursions and to give your heart’s desire of His Presence in the very core of your being.
Thank you Diane. I hope you are recovering from your surgery and find 2021 a year rich with God’s blessings.
Amen, Bill! Let us actively seek God’s presence filling our being each and every day.
That is my deepest prayer for this year Martha,
I can’t disagree… It is God’s presence I must seek.
Good to hear from you Ryan and thanks for joining me on this quest.