Just a few short words this morning that are on my heart. One of the weapons of attack the enemy (Satan) uses against us is our words. More specifically, what we tell ourselves. The battle is tough enough and explosive enough without all the things we tell ourselves. A list but certainly not all of it:
- “You’re a failure.”
- “You will never amount to anything.”
- “Who would want you if they really knew?”
- “You are a fake, a liar and a hack.”
- “You are a hypocrite.”
On and on it goes…where it stops nobody knows. The enemy gets inside our head with those ugly words. Worse. He gets in our heart. We start to believe his lies. It is one thing to endure failure, but the worst part of failure is usually the story we tell ourselves.
I don’t know how many times I have to beat that demon who says, “If they really knew Bill about the ‘secret sin’ or ‘secret thought,’ they wouldn’t listen to you. They wouldn’t give you time of day.”
Shame becomes a real problem. This coming Sunday I’m preaching on John 8 and the woman caught in adultery. A life of shame, now made public with humiliation by some arrogant, self-righteous Pharisees. That shame did not matter to Jesus. That shame was never an issue. It was never seen. The forgiveness Jesus gave her never mentioned her shame. He never said, “Shame on you!”
All He did say to her was, “Where are your accusers? Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”
How much more clear can we get? He was telling her that her sin, her shame, her failure did not define her. His grace was bigger than her sin.
Now that! I can live by!!!
“Father, thank you for not seeing my shame and letting me wallow in it. Thank you for Your grace.”
Satan likes to whisper his little half-truths…
That’s why it is important to put your trust in Christ and believe His words and not Satan’s little lies… Also helps when good friends put things in perspective for you….
Thank you my friend!
True Ryan. And thanks
Jesus never shamed anyone, but saw the potential for goodness in everyone He encountered. This is one of my favorite stories, Bill.
Mine as well Martha. I’m excited to preach it