It is Friday morning as I write this. In a few hours I will be having the funeral for a friend, a man who a vital part of OVCF, the church I pastor. It is strange it should come to be this morning to write this. I went to the office yesterday (Thursday) to work on the funeral and after working on memories of the family, I hit a wall. Nothing I thought of seemed to work. So…here I am. Writing this and about to head back up to the church office on my day off to try and get my head straight.
Over the past nine months or so, I have lost two men who were unique in their own way, but special to me.
The first, Jim, went to be with Jesus around Christmas. He was in his ’70s and had battled health issues for years. He and his wife had only been attending OVCF for a couple of years. They came from a very legalistic church and actually followed their daughter and son-in-law, who had come to OVCF probably 6 months or so earlier. Jim wasn’t fond of our music…because he didn’t know it. He was used to more traditional hymns. But when asked why they stayed at OVCF he said, “For the sermon!” He has no idea how much that meant to me. He was quiet, unassuming, but always supportive. I miss his gentle but encouraging spirit.
The second, Lynn, is Diana’s dad. She is the church secretary and we started at OVCF at the same time. Her dad, Lynn, was an out-going car salesman (“transportation consultant” as he called himself). He loved to joke, laugh, and hand out those round red-n-white hard candies. He is the ONLY one I let call me “Billy” because he loved to give people names and that was mine. It could have been worse, I guess. 🙂 Lynn was 84 and had been fairly healthy all his life. He despised going to a doctor, so yes, he could be stubborn. He will be missed at the front door of the church building-opening the door, greeting and handing out bulletins, laughing, and joking with all who came in, especially a group of guys who loved bantering back and forth.Â
I loved both of those men, but I also know I will see them again. Sadness but no sorrow. Joy comes in the morning.
Nice tribute post Bill. I had the honor of calling Lynn a friend as well. I enjoyed the conversations and the occasional jabs. It is not easy to see a friend leave this world, but we can rejoice in knowing that his homecoming is being celebrated in heaven. Missed you on Thursday, we made a trip quick down to see the family. Was able to see a few other people as well that we had not seen in awhile.
Glad you had a chance to see family Ryan. Much more important than seeing me. Or reading me. 🙂
Two very special men, indeed, Bill. And yes, joy does come in the morning.
They were Martha. Thanks.