I read a quote recently. The story said Corrie Ten Boom, the Nazi death camp survivor who spent her life speaking about the love of God, His grace, and forgiveness, used it a lot. It is attributed to Martin Luther:
I have held many things in my hands and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.
WOW! I once read The Hiding Place, Corrie’s story. She lost a lot. Her family, her home, her possessions, her sister, Betsy, in the Nazi camp. She lost years of her life to hateful and bigoted people, i.e. animals. The fact that she could quote this and believe it is even more amazing.
I’m reminded of the Scripture in Mark 8:36-37: “For what does it benefit a person to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? For what could a person give in exchange for his soul?” (NASB2020)
All we have will waste away. Jesus said that in Mt. 6:19-21. (Go ahead and take the time to read it). I can either hold on here and store things here or I can set my heart and my affections on things above. Nothing can steal that inheritance. It is kept in His hand in heaven for safe keeping. (See I Peter 1:4)
“Father, help me to remember to hold things loosely and grab on to You tightly.”
My sister calls it “Less is more.” We need less of what the world has for us, and more of what Jesus has for us.
No argument here Ed.
Corrie ten Boom is a hero to my faith. When I first starting walking with Jesus, He led me to her books and the movie, The Hiding Place. She is still an extraordinary example of this Martin Luther quote. My son and daughter went on a mission trip to Holland years ago and went to the watch store and took pics of the “hidden” space in her bedroom. Oh, how it blessed my heart.
She is certainly one worth emulating Diane. What an steadfast example she set. I can still remember the story of Betsy’s medicine while in the camp.
It is easy to get wrapped up in the thought that I need. The fact that in the last 40+ years, life continues to get more complex, more filled. Internet, cellphone, smart homes, home security, smart cars, computers, etc… And those are just off the top of my head. Things we pay subscriptions or replace more frequently than we really need to.
Sometimes, I desire a more simpler time. One with less distraction.
I’m with you on your comment Ryan. The phone, which was supposed to make our lives simpler, make is more cluttered. Sometimes I too desire to get away and unplug and declutter.
The Hiding Place truly moved my heart when I read it, Bill. What a remarkable woman, filled with God’s grace! Let us all remember to place everything in the hands of the Father.
Amen to that Martha.