We often hear a statement like “Forget your past.” I understand the import of that statement. If something has happened that we would just as soon forget, it applies. I get that. I really do. I’ve had enough dealings with people who have been abused, molested, had an abortion, had an affair, etc. that they would like to move beyond. And I’m all for that. Some stuff that happened to us in the past does need to be let go. We certainly can’t change it.
But there is also a time we should not let go of our past. Let me rephrase that. There are times we should not forget what happened in the past.
There is a saying that something like this: “Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.” We should never forget certain dates for example: July 4, 1776. April 9, 1865 (surrender at Appomattox) December 7, 1941. August 15, 1945 (VJ Day). September 11, 2001. October 9 (my birthday)!! 🙂 In all seriousness, some dates and events must never be forgotten.
Psalm 78 is made up of 72 verses. It is a history lesson for the Israelites to remember. It is a reminder to them of their past and God’s faithfulness in that past. It is not a pretty picture by any stretch. It is a litany of waywardness, sin, rebellion, and disobedience. But it is also about a compassionate God.
So it helps to remember some things. Take a few minutes and read Psalm 78. Then ask yourself, what would my past be like if I wrote mine down? Like the Israelites, you would probably see a messy life with a faithful God right there with you.
I know I would.
This is the weekend. Take some time to reflect on the past and how God was faithful to you through it all.
There are definitely things in our past that should not be forgotten, Bill. It may be messy and wayward, like you said, but when we know God has gone through it with us, we can give Him the thanks and praise.
I agree Martha. Giving Him thanks and praise for the changes He has made is important.