Just a Word

Written by Bill Grandi on November 25th, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I know I don’t have many readers…at least many who comment.  Strange as it may seem I don’t really do this devotional blog for you all. I do it for myself. I love the early morning Encounter Time I have with Jesus and this blog is my journal entry which everyone can see. I need the discipline which comes with daily journaling.

I’ve made some adjustments lately. My day off is Friday. Lately God has gotten my attention-not by drastic measures but my reading and listening-that I need to honor that day off. I still have my Encounter Time but have decided to refrain from writing in my journal and posting it here. That is what I do all week long and a true sabbatical (day off) is NOT DOING what I do all week long.

All that to say: unless I am especially “inspired and led” to do so, I will not be posting on Friday, in fact, the whole weekend. I direct you to my other blog for a weekend post about my sermon for Sunday.  I usually do that on Thursday some time. I will approve and respond to any comments, of course, but I think it is wise for me to take some prolonged time away from the computer.

I’m going to continue with my “Shadow” blog into 2022. I love having you join me and would love it if you would bring some friends along with you. Not the four-legged kind, but some of the two-legged ones.  My dream is this would reach more folks. Of course, it would help if I was on social media but that “ain’t going to happen.”  I refuse to support blatant bias.

Again, I hope you have a grateful Thanksgiving Day. If you read this after the fact, I hope you had a blessed day.  Thanks for reading.


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Bill to you and Jo and your whole family.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I will continue to follow you, Bill.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thanks Martha! It is good to hear from you and hope you and Danny had a wonderful time with your family.