As I sat down at the table this morning to have my Encounter Time, I prayed, “Father, let Your Word come alive to me this morning. Let me find something this morning that I will be able to learn from and use today.”
The point of this devotion is not to say, “Here is what I learned today” and then write about it. The point is the prayer. Not my specific prayer, but the point of my prayer.
I think many people do read their Bible. I do think some even try to read it on a daily basis. But, for many, that is all it is. Just reading. Almost like “I can now say I read the Bible today.” We sit down to read God’s Word as though it is just another book. We read it like the latest novel.
Now, please understand, I’m not knocking even this type of reading the Bible. We are told His Word will never return void so anytime a person opens the Word to read, there is a chance it might penetrate the heart. In fact, I count on that, especially if I’m not in a listening mood (for a myriad of reasons).
But God’s Word and my reading of His Word is so much richer when I pray for open eyes and an open heart. You see, when you or I spend time in God’s presence, when you or I have been with Jesus and grow spiritually, we will become more like Him.
Romans 8:28 is a favorite verse of many (take a moment to read it). It is one of those go-to verses people use. But that verse does not and should not stand alone. Verse 29 must come along with it, but how many know it? The purpose Paul says of things working together for our good is so that we might “be conformed to image of His Son.” Reading God’s Word shapes and conforms us to Jesus and that is what people will see when they look at us.
Pray for open eyes and an open heart. Then read. Meditate on those words. And anticipate being changed into His likeness.
Oh, yes. Amen!
Thanks Diane. Pray for an open heart and open eyes.
I think you say it well… Reading the Bible is and should be more than just reading words on a page. In many ways, it is like reading God’s Heart for me. It is the way that God has chosen to communicate His desires for me. When I write a letter to my mentee, it isn’t a letter to just anybody from anybody. It is personal, it is specific, it is relational. When I approach my Bible reading with that though in mind, It is so much more enriching. Especially when my heart is open, my eyes are seeing, and my ears are listening.
I think you put it well when you speak about your letter to your mentee. That, to me, is what God’s Word should be seen as.
May God continue to grow us all in the likeness of Jesus.
Blessings, Bill!
Amen Martha! That will take a lifetime!
Totally agree Bill, the Bible is the living word of God, and it cannot be read like just any book. The reading needs to be done in a way that reflects how important it is to us to have God speaking to us personally. No other book can be as moving, touching or change our lives like the Bible, it should always demand our attention to the fullest. It is the only book that will continue to change our hearts and what is revealed to us each time we read it. There is always something new to learn. Best book ever.
Best. book. ever. I totally agree. And I also agree there is always something to learn.