I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know: 1) We are inundated with commercials; and 2) they are getting more and more bold (and annoying) in their message and display. I think you might also agree that commercials are best watched or listened to or even ignored with the mute button in use.
Furthermore, I think you might agree that most commercials seem to focus on the outward. Take this pill and you will lose weight. Wear this and certain parts of your anatomy will be enhanced or more comfortable. Cold sculpting will help you get rid of the “pooch.” I could go on ad infinitum ad nauseum.
We worry a lot about the way we look. At 70, I am very aware-even though I tried through the years to stay in shape by riding a bike or lifting weights or watching what I ate (I seldom missed my mouth 🙂 )- that time hits all of us and plays havoc with our body. Skin gets thin. I have a small brown spot by my thumb on each hand. “Arthur” visits way too frequently. I can’t say hair loss happens because that ship sailed l-o-o-o-o-n-g time ago. 🙂
I thought of the effects of aging as I read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 this morning. “So we don’t lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” (ESV) Note particularly that phrase “though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.” That verse pushes us to the realization that our most important efforts should not be spent on the physical but the spiritual. I remember one health guru who thought he was going to live forever. Even if he lived to be 100, he would still die. IT. IS. INEVITABLE.
And so is judgment. I realize that there are some who might read this who don’t believe in an afterlife, or even God, but trust me when I say you don’t want to be wrong about this.
Outward or inward? One is temporary. One is eternal. You choose.
Gravity, too much sun, slowing metabolism, etc catch up to EVERYONE!!! Yet on the inside we still feel like we are 20 and can safely jump off that chair, eat those desserts, and wear those small-sized pants. We truly are spiritual beings in clay pots.
Aaaah so well said Pam! Made me chuckle this morning. Pictures flow through my mind. 🙂
I’ll choose the eternal, Bill. No bones about it!
Yes, aging isn’t for sissies, but it’s how God made us. Let’s embrace it!
I’ll choose the eternal for sure Martha. And you are right…growing old isn’t for sissies. I’ll take and use however many years (days, weeks, or months) I have left.
I think as with all things there is balance… and a need to maintain that balance is important. No doubt the effort you have put forth physically allows you to have the stamina to push on and do the work God has called you to do.
Though the spiritual is eternal and the physical is temporary, we cannot discount the importance of even those things that are temporary. Even though they waste away and become nothing, they still serve God’s Purpose in the here and now.
So I think I will choose both, but recognize the eternal importance of the spiritual, while excepting the necessary challenges of the maintaining the temporary… at least while I live in the temporary.
Couple of thoughts ran through my mind Ryan as I read your comment. I do hope the physical care I have taken does allow me to serve Him better and longer. (Only He knows that). But I also agree with your comment about balance. I think to allow either to get out of balance is not good. We can do both as long as we maintain the proper perspective on them and their rightful place in our lives.
Your discussion brought to mind this verse: “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” (1 Timothy 4:8). It’s a verse that reminds me of the balance you discuss. Our spiritual lives are eternal and have a significant value, but that doesn’t mean the physical doesn’t have some value right now.
That is a great verse to bring up Kari! I know you have also tried to stay healthy and strike that balance. I applaud you for that. And I’m with you on the significant value of the spiritual without forgetting the physical.
I agree that we need to be more concerned about growing spiritually, and spending more time learning from God than anything else. However I do agree that in order to be able to be called on and useful in the kingdom we do need a certain type of physical endurance, so a well balanced life is needed. When we keep God first it seems as if all of the other priorities fall in place exactly where they are useful to God as well.
As you can tell by my comment to Ryan, I also feel a balance is needed. now there are three of us that feel that way! 🙂
Two thoughts jump out as I read your post. The first is in respond to your comment that “most commercials seem to focus on the outward.” I agree that this is true, but I’ve also noticed that if it’s not this focus, then they tell us to focus on self-discovery or doing what feels right. Bugs me just as much. We also mute commercials, though we don’t watch a lot of television anyway. My second thought is about the verse you reference, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. I call this the anti-aging verse. I figure since my inner self is being renewed daily, and that is my self that has immortality, I’m not actually aging at all. Both this and the other verse I mention help me to stay more focused on the immortal and to not get as hung up on the mortal.
I totally agree with you about the other focus of commercials. I don’t watch a lot of TV either but Jo does, However, it is usually shows she has seen before and actually has it one more for noise. However, we tend to eat in the living room so she will have the TV on. Sure beats the news. I love that you call your “anti-aging” verse. That is good! 🙂
I am feeling that verse. I’ve been having severe back pains lately and it’s caused me to take a short vacation from whatever it is I do on a daily basis. The really great alternative is that I find myself in prayer more than before.
And THAT is a great alternative Ed. I pray you find relief from the back pain. Been there, done that, don’t want it again.
Whew! I can sure relate to all you said here. No matter how hard we try, our “outward man” is perishing day by day, but praise God, this life isn’t the end. An eternal weight of glory is awaiting us all. What hope that brings! Thank you for this precious encouragement, Pastor Bill.
Anyone getting older cannot disagree, especially those of us in our “golden years.” I, personally, am looking forward to eternity. Thanks for your kind words Cheryl.