July 25

Written by Bill Grandi on July 25th, 2024

Besides sin, there is a trait common to all of us. This trait may not be all the time. It may not even be most of the time. In fact, it may only make its appearance occasionally. It strikes old and young; rich and poor; male and female; famous and not-so famous; white collar and blue collar; you name it.

That trait? Worry.

Even those who “give off airs” of having a peaceful demeanor and having it all together, deep down struggle with worry from time to time. I do. For the most part, I’m pretty easy going.  I’m pretty accepting  of my lot in life and accepting God’s ultimate plan (which I, of course, do not know). I do sometimes wonder what my life will be like say…5 years down the road. Will I be alive? Will I and my family members be healthy? Will I be stricken with cancer or some disease like dementia or Alzheimer’s?

Truth is: I don’t know. No one does. So when my mind goes wandering off into uncharted territory, I bring myself back to the present by saying, “Why worry about tomorrow? I certainly can’t change anything. Besides, today has enough trouble of it own.” 🙂 I also try to remember Bible verses that speak to that. Like “God has said, ‘I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.’ So we can say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere men do to me?'” (Heb. 13:5-6). James reminds me that my life is a vapor-a morning fog-it’s here a little while, then its gone. (James 4:14).“The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.” (Ps.23:1) “The Lord is my light and my salvation-so why should I be afraid?” (Ps. 27:1) And many more.

Worry is a killer. True, it can shorten a life. But there is more. It kills the idea of really living. If I’m worried about what will happen next, I can’t really step out in faith and see what God has planned with complete trust that He has me in the palm of His hand. A person can’t be really living if he is always asking, “What if?”

To borrow a cliche’ (which I really don’t like): “I don’t have to worry about the future because I know the One who holds the future.”  Worry less; Live more.

{Note: All Scripture is New Living Translation}


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. “Don’t worry, be happy.”
    I couldn’t help myself, Bill, when that song came to mind, and just had to share this part. Easier said than done for so many of us, but you are so right – how can we live a full life in the moment if we’re always worried about tomorrow? Great reflection today.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Can I groan Martha! I avoided thinking about that song. What a bad memory! 🙂 but thanks for recognizing the point of the post.

  2. I need reminded to trust God and live each day with the confidence that I am not alone on this journey. He is always with me. It is easy to fall prey to worry, which always robs us of the many joys of the moment.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Very true Pam. Falling prey to worry does take away joy. Glad I could be part of the reminder. 🙂

  3. gail says:

    I am not a constant worrier, however it would be impossible not to let some concerns cloud your thoughts at times. Remembering the promises and God’s desires for us can certainly help to remind us that God will never leave us, and that we have a good shepherd watching over us. Walking with the Lord, may not always be an easy route, but you can count on the best guidance counselor and helper is right there with you.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      That is a good way to look at it Gail since said He is our Comforter. I am praying that I have inspired people to worry less and trust more.