September 11

Written by Bill Grandi on September 11th, 2024


It’s hard to. Those words will be spoken and heard a lot today. Anyone who was alive and old enough to understand knows the significance of today. If you are like me you know where you were and what you were doing when you first heard of the well-planned, but cowardly, devastating attack on American soil. Life has never been the same and seeing the images again reminds me of watching the Twin Towers burn and then collapse. I’m also thinking of the all-too-brief days following when politicians put aside their petty gripes against each other and sang “God Bless America” on the steps of the Capitol. I’m also thinking of the few brief days/weeks when hearts became sensitive to God’s role in the founding and ongoing history of our country. I’m also thinking of when it wasn’t so much “God Bless America” but “America Bless God.” Many churches saw spikes in their attendance as people sought solace in the face of such tragedy. Sadly, it died quickly. 

September 11, 2023 a double rainbow appeared in the NYC sky where the Twin Towers used to rise. The rainbow is a symbol of God’s presence and promise that He would never again destroy the earth by a flood. It is a promise from a faithful and true God.

Jesus has given us a reminder to remember Him by. Just as there will be gatherings today to honor the 3000+ souls who lost their lives 23 years ago (and since), so this memorial reminds us of the loss of life, but also the gaining of something greater. It reminds us of the ultimate sacrifice-one Man dying for the sin of the world. The perfect, sinless, Son of God, our Savior, taking the place of sinful, rebellious, unholy people to make the ultimate sacrifice to die in our place.

NEVER FORGET. 9/11.  The cross of Calvary and the price paid for people (you and me) who didn’t deserve it.


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan Spires says:

    I remember the day well. We had moved to Arkansas just a few months prior and while getting coffee in the break room, I watched the replay and the live footage that covered the first attack. What I thought was a horrible accident turned into something far worse as I watched the second jet hit the second tower. I knew this was no accident. The 3rd jet hit the Pentagon and the question of how many more came to mind. The bravery of the passengers on the 4th jet prevented an additional target from being hit, but at the cost of all the lives on board. Now 23 years later, it is hard to believe that much time has passed. We how have 2 generations on this earth that we’re not even alive to remember. Similar to those I suspect who lived through the story of Pearl Harbor, we now live in a time where fewer and fewer will remember and we must rely on historical accuracy to share what happened and the sacrifices made on that day.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thanks for sharing your history of that day Ryan. I also agree about the history. That is one reason revisionist history must go!

  2. Amen, Bill! What a thoughtful reflection you’ve written here on the anniversary of this fateful day. I hope and pray, with you, that America will bless God once again. We are His shining city on a hill if we turn our hearts to Him.

  3. gail says:

    Great reminder today Bill. It is hard to believe that it has already been 23yrs ago, I clearly remember the day well. We as a church need to remember why Christ saved us, and to be His disciples, and tell the world about Jesus. If we as a church point the nation to the Cross, than honoring and lift those up who gave their lives in 9/11,
    the soldiers who fight for us,policeman,fireman,all of those who in the moment put their own lives on the line to save someone else, would be remembered through our prayers as they should be. Praying that we honor God first, and all of our fallen heroes.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I agree Gail. We need to remember that it wasn’t just the people in the towers. Pentagon, and the field who were affected. Multiple lives were affected. Prayers are most definitely necessary.