September 30

Written by Bill Grandi on September 30th, 2024

I know I’m early. Like almost 3 months. September 30th to December 25th early. Not a snowflake has fallen. The temps have not dropped to frost level. I haven’t seen men in red suits yet. Sadly, I did see displays this past Friday. By now you know I’m referring to Christmas.

Here it is September 30th and I’m pulling the “early Christmas move” I accuse Hallmark and different stores of doing. Halloween hasn’t even arrived and I’m talking Christmas! Mine is a lot different. Knowing Christmas will be here sooner than I expect, I begin reading devotionals in September. I’ve already read one and have 2 in the works. It not only focuses me on what is to come, it also feeds my “pastor/preacher brain.” 🙂

What spurred me this morning was talk about names. I have never really liked my name. I don’t mind “Bill”; I’ve never been fond of “William.” I definitely don’t like my middle name or the initials that go along with it. Try monogramming WAG or BAG. See what I mean? My middle name distinguished me from my dad and kept me from getting the moniker of “Junior.” As bad as I think my name is, I found one that may take the title of “Worse Name in the World.” In I Samuel the wife of one of the priests gave birth to a son in great stress when the news came that the Ark of the Covenant was stolen by the Philistines. (Where is Indy when you need him?) She named her son…wait for it…Ichabod. Ichabod! It means “the glory has departed.” I realize there is significance there since a heathen nation was now in control of the Ark. But can you imagine going through life with a name like Ichabod? Imagine the jokes about the “ick factor.” Imagine introducing him to your parents: “Mom. Dad. This is Ick.” I know silly.

All kidding aside, there is one Name that changes everything. Say His Name in a crowded room. A speech. An interview. Watch people’s reaction. Man and women known for their speaking suddenly become speechless. Uncomfortable. Suddenly the “Aaaah yeah” factor comes into play.

J.E.S.U.S. The Name above every name. The Name the Apostle Paul says will cause “every knee to bow and every tongue to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” (Phil. 2:10-11) Carry that name with you today. Wear it proudly. Speak of Him in awe and wonder. There is no other name like His.


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. Pam says:

    I have always thought our names shape our personality to some degree One of my parents wanted to name me Dusty Star but the other objected. I always thought Dusty Star would have been a fun name—more whimsical than Pamela. lol!😆
    On a more serious note, just speaking the name of Jesus calms me and brings a sense of peace when stress amps up. There is power in the name of Jesus—and even the world knows it. It is why we get the reaction we do when we mention Him.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Dusty Star huh? Sounds like a name you would have had to brush up on. 🙂 Interesting one to say the least. The most important one is the ONE you mention.

  2. No other name can compare to Jesus, that’s for sure, Bill. And we need His saving grace more than ever in this hurting nation. My heart is breaking for those who have lost so much in the recent hurricane. May God have mercy on them all and may we all commit to helping in whatever ways we possibly can. Blessings!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Living out of the range of the devastation of the hurricane makes it easy to be a little aloof. I pray I will never stop caring.

  3. Ryan S. says:

    It is interesting how the name of Jesus can even make those that don’t believe in Him hit pause. The pause, I believe, just simply points out that nobody is too far gone or too far away to come into the arms of God. Sure it is still a decision, a surrender, but I believe that at the core, we all know who our creator is.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Good point Ryan. That pause is seen in so many ways! And yes, it does speak volumes about no one being beyond His call.

  4. gail says:

    Father, may we hold the name above all names, first in our lives, not letting anything come before You. May we boldly speak of the greatness of Christ in our lives to encourage others to seek You. 1Tim:17 Now to the King eternal,immortal,invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever Amen.