September 26

Written by Bill Grandi on September 26th, 2024

Have you ever noticed how we grade sins? Let’s, for the sake of argument, just grade our sins.

  • Grade 1- the really bad ones. Adultery. Murder. Homosexuality.
  • Grade 2- Cheating. Lying (as far as its not a “little white one”). Theft.
  • Grade 3- Division. Lying (little white ones). Laziness.

Granted, that is not an exact science. I’m only using it as an example of the way we grade our sins: some are really, really bad; some are so-so; some not so bad. We could even add a category of justified sins if we want. And, of course, there are many more sins we could list.

I left one out…on purpose. That’s because it is not seen as a really, really bad one and is even overlooked or simply forgotten. Let me give you a hint:

“Fire goes out without wood, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops.” Pr. 26:20

“Rumors are dainty morsels that sink deep into one’s heart.” Pr. 26:22

Okay…so I guess that is not so subtle, is it? The “respectable” sin, the “acceptable” sin, the one not graded harshly is G.O.S.S.I.P. On a scale of 1-10, gossip might hit a “3” on the Sin-o-Meter.  That’s tragic though. Gossip has killed more people that we could count. While some would never consider carrying a firearm to take someone’s life, they have very little qualm about using their mouth to snuff out someone’s reputation, good name, future, friendship, etc all in the name of “passing along” some information.

Let’s get it through our heads-and hearts-that gossip is a deadly sin, capable of destroying lives, taking out families, even companies. Let me close with a thought from Proverbs 26:

“If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. If you roll a boulder down on others, it will crush you instead. A lying tongue hates its victims, and flattering words cause ruin.” (Verses 27-28)

Just those two verses should sober us up real quickly. Let’s stop the GOSSIP.

{All Scripture from the New Living Translation}


10 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S. says:

    Gossip is most certainly not a silent killer. Rumors also lead to unnecessary drama which I am not a huge fan of. I try to avoid the shows on the television, and try to distance myself from it in real-life.

    I had the opportunity to deal with it head on in the past few weeks. I find the best way to take out the rumor mill is to go at it directly and with a group.

    Attempting to attack the drama without a trusted group around you can lead to more misunderstanding and twisting of the truth.

    I have found that most rumors are that way. A hint of truth with a twist. The enemy is a master of using rumors and gossip to cause division. A hint of truth mixed with a lot of hearsay or flat out lies.

    I try to remember that when something is being shared about someone, perhaps going straight to the source to find out. This can either get the issue out in the open or can nip it before it begins. Either way, it is dealt with vs simply being talked about.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Some very wise advice here Ryan. On many levels. I particularly liked your insistence on having a trusted group around when confrontation is necessary. I see that as one way to stop unnecessary gossip being spread.

  2. gail says:

    Growing up catholic we placed sins in categories, either mortal or venial. Depending on your confession to the priest, you were given different prayers to say and a number of times to say them, if you committed a mortal sin you would be saying the rosary a number of times. When I finally learned sin is sin, and it’s not repeating a pray over and over to the Father, it’s a confession from your heart to the Father. Gossip would have been a venial sin. Our words are supposed to lift people up not tear them down. Gossips can have very deep consequences way beyond a quick did you hear this. Sometimes people wrestle with gossip for years and it effects a lot of places in their lives. Gossip is a sin, and needs to be thought of in just that way.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thanks for that clarification Gail. I know of the categories of mortal and venial but I just never investigated it. I appreciate your insight. And you are right…gossip is sin.

  3. Gossip IS a killer of souls, Bill. It only serves to damage the one you slander and will carry you right along with it. If someone shares gossip with you, you can bet they talk about you with lies behind your back. I found this ugly practice to be, sadly, rampant in the last school I taught in. We should never indulge in such a destructive practice.
    Blessings, Bill, and have a great weekend!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      You are so right Martha. It is destructive. Sadly, there might come a time when we have to remove ourselves from the toxicity of a relationship fraught with that. Thanks for the insight and kind words.

  4. Pam says:

    We just discussed this yesterday in Bible study. Gossip can detrimentally color the hearer’s view of a person forever—and it can’t be un-said.

  5. Linda Stoll says:

    Yes, Bill, it’s too easy to be gawking at other people’s sins while completely ignoring our own. Such pride, such haughty spirits we battle. Our own. Not others.

    Come quickly, Lord Jesus.