See if any of these (or those like them) sound familiar:
- I sure hope it doesn’t rain today.
- I hope he isn’t mad at me.
- I hope my car starts with it being so cold.
- I hope my team wins.
- I hope I pass this test.
- I hope you like what I made.
We say that a lot: “I hope.” So much so that I suspect that it loses its oomph. It also loses its strength of meaning.
Look deeply at hope. At your way of expressing it. Your source for hope. Consider this: we are often so intent on finding hope that we lose sight of the truth that the source of hope is right next to us. Hope will never be found horizontally-at least not the eternal kind that God promises us. God doesn’t just promise hope. God doesn’t just give us hope. He is the SOURCE of hope. In fact, God is hope.
Paul David Tripp in his book, O Come Let Us Adore Him” (yes, I’m reading Christmas devotionals 🙂 ), writes:
“It’s true that hope isn’t a thing; it’s a person, and His name is Immanuel. Celebrate hope this Christmas.” (p.93)
Hope is found in the Christmas message. In fact, it is just one of the messages in the Christmas story. But, in reality, you can have hope all year ’round by focusing-not on people, places or things-but on Jesus. Start your Christmas early (Hallmark has already so you might as well join in) by seeking hope in Immanuel, Jesus, the Son of God.
{Note: There will no devotional tomorrow unless I get a wild hair. Braden, our grandson, celebrates his 18th birthday tomorrow as well as Senior Night on Friday as a member of the Worthington Kilbourne football team. We will be in Ohio starting today through Saturday celebrating him and getting to see our daughter and Mike, her significant other. Prayers would be appreciated for safe travel}
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 NLT
Putting our hope in the things of this world (horizontally) as you put it, will never give us the joy or peace that God promises… Our hope must come from our eternal Father. Anything less will leave us disappointed.
Great verse Ryan! Paul knew the source of hope for sure.
Happy Birthday, Braden! I can’t believe he is 18, Bill – wow! Time flies way too fast, doesn’t it? Wishing Jo and you safe travels and an amazing celebration with this special young man.
Thanks Martha! And yes, time flies way too fast. We look at old pictures and chuckle at the boy who is now becoming a man.
Father, help us to share the true meaning of hope with people, not in just a feeling but in Our Savior Jesus Christ. Give us the words and the wisdom to plant the seeds of eternal hope in those around us.
1Tim 1:17
Bill, praying for safe travels to and from Ohio, and no road construction delays. Enjoy your time with the family.
It is my prayer also Gail that people share and also learn the true meaning of hope. And thanks for the prayer. No road construction? Have you been outside lately? 🙂
Amen Pastor.
Thanks Dexter